Ok - after chatting with Steve I realize the part I missed was the
hsqldb profile which are in the testsuite module. this one contains a
hibernate.properties file.
I'll try and look into how I can actually setup my custom log4j stuff
I normally tweak daily when running tests.
With respect to eclipse and maven then the maven guys are just "great"
since mvn eclipse:eclipse and the m2 eclipse plugin of course decides
to do things differently - basically making them incompatible.
Steve Ebersole wrote:
> BTW, have you tried it with the eclipse plugin instead? Speaking with
> the Maven folks, that is the expected path of IDE integration moving
> forward (its the reason us IntelliJ users are using the EAP releases).
I fail to see how a plugin can fix this since the etc directory is still
*outside* what eclipse can reach since it is not inside any project in
But I'll take a look, but until now I have not had any need for using
a plugin.
> Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Hi Chris and Steve,
>>> I took a look at hibernate3 head today because Chris was claiming
>>> mvn eclipse:eclipse were broken.
>>> The short answer to that is that yes - maybe, it actually works
>>> (except for some "funny" things)
>>> I've updated
http://hibernate.org/422.html to describe the few
>>> things I had to do to get maven to work on my new machine;
>>> and it worked pretty well.
>>> svn co hibernate3, mvn eclipse:eclipse and I was basically ready to
>>> roll.
>>> But I did find some issues here in no particular order:
>>> Why is checkstyle_checks.xml put in resources and thus end up int
>>> the classpath ? Previously it was just in the root of hibernate dir.
>> I'd ask why checkstyle_checks.xml is there at all ;)
>>> Why is the etc directory not inside hibernate-core as something that
>>> is put on the project as a class directory ? With this setup you
>>> would have to change the generated ide configurations every time to
>>> include it on the classpath. Without it the tests and other thing
>>> that dpeends on log4j and a cfg.xml doesn't run.
>> Because I don't want them on the classpath ;) The are in *etc*; they
>> are simply that, "extras".
>>> Is ther no way to avoid having xml-api.jars and other
>>> not-always-relevant jars to be added to the classpath ?
>> We probably could just remove them as we now require jdk >= 1.4
>>> The documentation/ is "annoying" since you can't have both the
>>> and the tutorial included in eclipse
>> don't understand this one. can you be more explicit? documentation/
>> itself is nothing more than an aggregation project: it aggregates
>> tutorial/ and manual/
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