Hibernate has always defined a set of functions that should always be
available on every Dialect/database. JPA formalized some of these, but
Hibernate still had a superset. So I wanted to formalize the complete set
of supported functions. Here is the formalized list of what Hibernate has
always considered the "supported list":
- those defined by JPA
- abs
- avg
- concat
- count
- current_date
- current_time
- current_timestamp
- length
- locate
- lower
- max
- min
- mod
- sqrt
- substring
- sum
- trim
- upper
- Hibernate extensions
- bit_length
- coalesce - not technically a function, but supported as such to
allow overriding
- cast
- day - generally defined as `extract(day from ?1)`
- extract
- hour - generally defined as `extract(hour from ?1)`
- minute - generally defined as `extract(minute from ?1)`
- month - generally defined as `extract(month from ?1)`
- nullif - not technically a function, but supported as such to allow
- second - generally defined as `extract(second from ?1)`
- str - generally defined as `cast(?1 as CHAR )`
- year - generally defined as `extract(year from ?1)`
Additions/subtractions anyone would like to discuss?
One question I has was in regards to str being defined as `cast(?1 as CHAR
)` by default - specifically using CHAR instead of VARCHAR. Some databases
apply padding for the size of the datatype when casting a numeric to a CHAR
which is not an unreasonable thing to do.