annotations-commons is needed by Search, Validator, Annotations and HEM,
hence the split
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> what is annotations-commons ? Just commons ?
> 1. Discover Generics
> 2. Abstract Annotations so that orm.xml is seen as annotations by
> binders.
mkaey...stupid question: why is it seperated out ?
>> Why the extra level ?
> The rational was to have fewer top level directories and to put Java
> Persistence under a single umbrella, but I'm not tied to it.
i just like to have uniformity in build stuff, but not tied to that
either...just don't like
it to repeated/different all over ;)
>> > or simply get rid of HibernateExt
>> > annotations-commons
>> > jpa/annotations (old /metadata)
>> > jpa/entityManager (old /ejb)
>> > search
>> > validator
>> > (tools)
>> fine by me IFF (especially) hibernate core and the other modules
>> could get some shared build stuff and/or proper dependency management
>> so we don't repeat our self constantly in all those build files.
> oh boy...
>> > thoughts?
>> I guess your most important immediate need is to have separated
>> search/validator from annotations
>> and for that just doing the first split should be trivial since
that is
>> what we can do today
>> "painlessly"
>> > If someone knows how to physically do that with SVN without loosing
>> all > the history, esp since we have trunk and branch_3_2 (main work >
>> currently)... I am all ears :-)
>> svn copy your stuff to the correct places i assume.
>> > PS: I thought about doing standalone distributions while keeping the
>> > same dev structure, but Hibernate Search is getting more complex
>> > the master/slave mode and I need multiple src/test structures for it
>> same as hibernate tools I assume; why does this prevent having the
>> structure ?
> HS will have to create .ear or .war plus to test it I'll need to use
> JBoss Embeddable... which depends on hibernate annotations if I keep
> ./metadata as is, it's going to be clumsy
ah that is the need for splitting annotations-commons...?
Max Rydahl Andersen
JBoss a division of Red Hat