Hey Steve, just to clarify, did this start failing directly after the
manifest change? Or are you saying it could be from other
dependency-related updates?
On 12/29/17 10:58 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
Maybe this is similar to the problems we've had with the WildFly
hibernate-orm-moudles stuff - versions of karaf/aries/etc not yet
supporting EE8 techs (JPA 2.2, CDI 2.0, etc)?
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 11:56 AM Steve Ebersole <steve(a)hibernate.org
<mailto:steve@hibernate.org>> wrote:
Brett, after making these changes the osgi tests now fail[1] with
a RMI connection error which I cannot decipher. Could you see if
you can understand the problem?
On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 9:06 AM Steve Ebersole
<steve(a)hibernate.org <mailto:steve@hibernate.org>> wrote:
After tweaking this, here is what I have...
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.8.0_121 (Oracle Corporation)
Main-Class: org.hibernate.Version
Specification-Title: hibernate-core
Specification-Version: 5.3
Implementation-Title: hibernate-core
Implementation-Version: 5.3.0.SNAPSHOT
Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.hibernate
Automatic-Module-Name: org.hibernate.orm.core
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Require-Capability: osgi.ee
Tool: Bnd-
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.hibernate.orm.core
Bundle-Version: 5.3.0.SNAPSHOT
Bundle-Name: hibernate-core
Bundle-Description: A module of the Hibernate O/RM project
Bnd-LastModified: 1513615321000
Import-Package: ...
Export-Package: ...
Which looks great to me...
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 3:39 PM Steve Ebersole
<steve(a)hibernate.org <mailto:steve@hibernate.org>> wrote:
I had intended this for 5.3 which hasn't even gone Beta
yet (we wont have an Alpha).
On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 3:38 PM Brett Meyer
<brett(a)hibernate.org <mailto:brett@hibernate.org>> wrote:
+1 from me on making them consistent. In practice,
isn't used for much, other than a guaranteed unique
identifier. One of
the Karaf guys pointed out that Bundle-SymbolicName is
used to link a
fragment bundle to its host bundle, but we've been
able to avoid
fragments like the plague on purpose.
In practice, most users should be pulling in and
interacting with our
bundles purely through Maven artifacts or our
features.xml, so a change
would largely be unnoticed.
We still might consider holding off doing that until
at least a minor
version change, since there is a potential issue for
any tooling that
might be relying on that (logging/auditing, etc.)...
On 12/23/17 11:38 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Another thing I was noticing was an annoying minor
difference between the
> OSGi bundle name and the Java 9 module name:
> Automatic-Module-Name: org.hibernate.orm.core
> Bundle-SymbolicName: org.hibernate.core
> Does it make sense to adjust the OSGi bundle name to
follow the module
> naming?
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 8:47 AM Steve Ebersole
<steve(a)hibernate.org <mailto:steve@hibernate.org>> wrote:
>> I already did a PR for the `Automatic-Module-Name`
yesterday and added you
>> as a reviewer. when you get a chance...
>> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 8:36 AM Gunnar Morling
<gunnar(a)hibernate.org <mailto:gunnar@hibernate.org>>
>> wrote:
>>> 2017-12-22 23:07 GMT+01:00 Steve Ebersole
<steve(a)hibernate.org <mailto:steve@hibernate.org>>:
>>>> I created a Jira to track this:
>>>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 5:33 AM Steve Ebersole
<steve(a)hibernate.org <mailto:steve@hibernate.org>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for investigating this Gunnar.
>>>>> Some thoughts inline...
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 3:54 PM Gunnar Morling
<gunnar(a)hibernate.org <mailto:gunnar@hibernate.org>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> * JDK 9 comes with an incomplete JTA module
(java.transaction), so a
>>>>>> complete one must be provided via
--upgrade-module-path (I'm using the
>>>>>> 2.0.0.Alpha1 version Tomaz Cerar has created
for that purpose)
>>>>> Do you know if there is a plan to fix this in
Java 9? Seems bizarre
>>>>> that Java 9 expects all kinds of strict
modularity from libraries and
>>>>> applications when the JDK itself can't follow
>>> The "java.transaction" module of the JDK is
>>> @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) as of Java 9, but I
don't know when the
>>> removal will happen. There's JEP 320 for this (
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/320), which also
describes why the module
>>> exists in its current form. It's not scheduled for
Java 10 currently, and
>>> given the latter is in rampdown already, I
wouldn't expect this removal to
>>> happen before Java 11.
>>>>>> * hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar
be used as an automatic
>>>>>> module, as the automatic naming algorithm
stumples upon the numbers
>>>>>> (2.1)
>>>>>> within the module name it derives; I'm
therefore using my ModiTect
>>>>>> tooling (
https://github.com/moditect/moditect/) to
convert the JPA API JAR
>>>>>> into an
>>>>>> explicit module on the fly
>>>>> We actually no longer use that artifact as a
dependency. Since JPA
>>>>> 2.2, the EG publishes a "blessed" API jar
is what we use as a
>>>>> dependency.
>>> Ah, yes, very nice. That one already defines an
explicit module name
>>> ("java.persistence") via the
manifest entry.
>>>>>> * When using ByteBuddy as the byte code
provider, a reads relationship
>>>>>> must
>>>>>> be added from the user's module towards
hibernate.core ("requires
>>>>>> hibernate.core"). This is due to the usage
>>>>>> org.hibernate.proxy.ProxyConfiguration within
the generated proxy
>>>>>> classes.
>>>>>> Ideally no dependence to the JPA provider
should be needed when solely
>>>>>> working with the JPA API (as this demo does),
but I'm not sure whether
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> can be avoided when using proxies (or could we
construct proxies in a
>>>>>> way
>>>>>> not requiring this dependence?).
>>>>> I'm not sure what a decent solution would be
here. Ultimately the
>>>>> runtime needs to be able to communicate with the
generated proxies - how
>>>>> else would you suggest this happen?
>>> Not sure either. Maybe we could generate a
dedicated interface into the
>>> user's module and then inject a generated
implementation -- living within
>>> the ORM module -- of that interface into the
entities. Worth some tinkering
>>> I reckon.
>>>>> * When using ByteBuddy as the byte code
provider, I still needed to have
>>>>>> Javassist around, as it's used in
ClassFileArchiveEntryHandler. I
>>>>>> understand that eventually this should be using
Jandex, but I'm
>>>>>> wondering
>>>>>> whether we could (temporarily) change it to use
ASM instead of
>>>>>> Javassist
>>>>>> (at least when using ByteBuddy as byte code
provider, which is based on
>>>>>> ASM), so people don't need to have
*and* ByteBuddy when
>>>>>> using the
>>>>>> latter as byte code provider? This seems
desirable esp. once we move to
>>>>>> ByteBuddy by default.
>>>>> Yes, Sanne brought this up in Paris and it is
something I will look at
>>>>> prior to a 5.3.0.Final
>>> Excellent.
>>>>> * Multiple methods in ReflectHelper call
setAccessible() without
>>>>>> checking
>>>>>> whether the method/field/constructor already is
accessible. If we
>>>>>> changed
>>>>>> that to only call setAccessible() if actually
needed, people would
>>>>>> have to
>>>>>> be a little bit less permissive in their module
descriptor. It'd
>>>>>> suffice
>>>>>> for them to declare "exports
com.example.entities to hibernate.core"
>>>>>> instead of "opens com.example.entities to
hibernate.core", unless they
>>>>>> mandate (private) field access for their
>>>>> Can you open a Jira for that?
>>> Done:
>>>>>> The demo is very simple (insert and load of an
entity with a lazy
>>>>>> association). If there's anything else
like to try out when
>>>>>> using ORM
>>>>>> as JPMS modules, let me know or just fork the
demo and try it out
>>>>>> yourself
>>>>> IIUC for jars targeting both Java 8 and Java 9
we cannot include a
>>>>> module-info file. But we need to set the module
names - you mentioned
>>>>> there was a "hinting" process. From what
could glean from searching
>>>>> (which was oddly not many hits), this is
achieved by adding a
>>>>> `Automatic-Module-Name` entry in the JAR's
>>> Yes, exactly that's the mechanism. Jason Greene is
working on a document
>>> with recommendations around naming patterns, I
hope it'll be published soon.
>>>>> Also, IIRC we agreed with `org.hibernate.orm` as
the base for all ORM
>>>>> module names, so we'd have:
>>>>> - org.hibernate.orm.c3p0
>>>>> - org.hibernate.orm.core
>>>>> - ...
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