Gitter is a new service aiming to replace IRC, and specifically meant
for OSS projects team working with Github.
I've got an invitation to participate to the beta, and got it setup
for these chatrooms (open to the public):
I've setup integration from Jenkins and Github so we should get
notifications in the chatroom about commits, PRs, reviews and build
jobs (totally untested so far)
Shall we give it a try?
Some features which I'm liking:
- it provides a per-repository chatroom and an organization wide chatroom
- history is always available, cloud stored and full-text searchable.
so we can jump to one device to the next or stay offline and catch up
- has native clients for Mac, iOS, Android (but I'm using the webpage
which works great and has desktop notifications via Chrome)
- no new accounts: you login via GitHub, so your permissions on the
chatroom are inherited from your permissions on the respective
- people join following just the links above.. very low hassle for newcomers!
I'll be there and on IRC as well in the foreseeable future.