Vlad and I already spoke about some form of native (or at least more easily
user defined) support for SQL ARRAY types. However, I do not know that
that will extend to ARRAYs of entities.
That said... all the methods to read a value on Type will be passed a
Session. I think that was a mistake in the first iteration of Type to not
always pass it. From Session you would have access to everything you ask
On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 7:59 AM Jordan Gigov <coladict(a)gmail.com> wrote:
While this topic is hot and the type handlers will not be
backwards-compatible, I think they should have some access to the
connection-specific Dialect. I have started (but largely paused) an
implementation of Array datatypes, but it's highly dependent on instance
type-checking of WrapperOptions ugly hackyness. It also needs to call
`java.sql.Connection.createArrayOf` on that same connection. Those two
interfaces should somehow be exposed to the type handlers at some point.
Also I haven't figured out yet how to use them as arrays of entity keys.
Storing an array of entities by their Id keys would be a nice bonus.
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