On Jun 4, 2008, at 18:06, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
I need some suggestion to name new parameters in H.Search;
I'm implementing the parameter for FSMasterDirectoryProvider and
FSSlaveDirectoryProvider to select an appropriate "chunk size":
the amount of bytes to have java.nio attempt to transfer at once;
(we have to limit it as huge files blow it: 2GB on linux,
100MB on windows 32bit, don't know on windows 64bit)
I defaulted to a very conservative 16MB (ok?)
and the patch is really trivial but:
A)I need a good and intuitive name for the parameter:
I have "copyChunkSizeMB" currently in my code,
I don't like it but couldn't think of a better alternative.
The result would be "hibernate.search.[indexname].copyChunkSizeMB"...
something better that gives the idea?
I thought of "blockSize" but that isn't really a block size, but
gives the idea
as people could be more familiar with it. "copyBlockSizeMB"?
I'll have to document the chosen name, so I think it won't
be easy to change it later.
I would not add MB as no property has the units in its name so far.
B)Units for the previous param?
chosing bytes is not very practical: final user would
certainly need to open his calcluator;
MB is probably the choice but means people can't select chunks below
the MB,
which would be silly anyway IMHO.
MB is good
C)The "smart" parameter: current FileHelper has a really
cool feature called "smart" which is currently always enabled,
it does something similar to rsync checking timestamps & file
sizes to skip copying some files.
there's a TODO in both Master&Slave Dir.Providers to make it
a configurable parameter (which means having the option
to disable it).
I just need you to confirm the TODO is still valid.
Name? "enableSmartCopy" ? (default true)
No we should remove the todo. I did it in case people did not like it
or if it was unreliable. It turned out to be good and nobody wants the
dumb version.
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