This boils down to using a sync RPC (versus an async one). I don't know
how HS does this (e.g. whether they use RPCs at all)... Sanne might be
able to help
On 4/10/13 2:38 PM, Ales Justin wrote:
@Bela: is there a config way to make this JGroups backend wait for
Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)
> <>>
> *Subject: **Re: [infinispan-dev] query npe*
> *Date: *April 10, 2013 2:06:20 PM GMT+02:00
> *To: *infinispan -Dev List <infinispan-dev(a)
> <>>
> *Reply-To: *infinispan -Dev List <infinispan-dev(a)
> <>>
> Dan worked to understand the problem, here is where we stand without
> Sanne's additional knowledge.
> The test failing is the following:
> tx1.start();
> cache.remove(key);
> tx1.commit();
> assert queryDeletedKey.getResults().size() == 0;
> Surprisingly, the entity is still found in the query and Infinispan
> Query returns `null`.
> The reason we suspect is the following. While pushing the index changes
> is done in sync with the transaction commit (tx sync), the backend is
> JGroups and returns right after it has sent the message to the master
> node without waiting for the index ack.
> This is a good thing as it scales much better but has the nice
> side effect of returning incorrect query results right after a change
> set is applied (indexing window + index propagation).
> My recommendation is to make sure Infinispan Query removes entities
> found by the query engine but not present in the grid like we do in
> Hibernate Search for the ORM case. Note that this does not solve the
> case were you add a new entity and expect to query it *right after the
> commit*. There is a similar issue around entity changes. If CapeDwarf
> can live with it it will be better off.
> An alternative solution would be to create a JGroups backend that waits
> for an execution ACK before giving back the had to the client but that
> will have scalability problems.
> Emmanuel
> On Tue 2013-04-09 23:41, Ales Justin wrote:
>> Chasing down today's NPE:
>> I've added this test:
>> *
>> The test fails. ;-)
>> deleteAndQueryInA(org.jboss.test.capedwarf.cluster.test.QueryTest):
>> Should not be here: null
>> This is the "null" that is the cause of top NPE.
>> -Ales
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