Drools Persistence Prob : No values going into 'VaraibleInstanceInfo' Table
by Pardeep.Ruhil@lntinfotech.com
I am working on persisting Drools session info into the database.
For that I have taken a sample project from
When I tried to debug the project, no values are inserted into the table
'VaraibleInstanceInfo' table.
However In between the debugging I am able to see data going into the
table 'SessionInfo' , 'ProcessInstaceInfo', WorkItemInfo' table. But no
data is going into the 'VaraibleInstanceInfo' and
'ProcessInstanceEventInfo' table.
I have taken the code for VariableInstanceInfo.java,
SerializablePersistedVariable.java, JPAPersistedVariable.java and other
required classes for running the project from
Kindly tell me what going wrong in this. I am using Mysql database for
persistence storage.
Thanks & Regards
Pardeep Ruhil
L&T Infotech Ltd
Ph: +919820283884
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
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15 years, 3 months
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15 years, 3 months
Specific Agenda strategy to control which rules to fire
by Costigliola Joel (EXT)
Hello all,
I need some help to to set a specific Agenda strategy in order to control finely which activated rules will be fired.
Problem context :
My company is a bank where traders are making deals on markets, these deals must be classified in book, this is what we call "booking process".
Booking is done according to booking criteria : which trader has made the deal ? on which product ? wich market ? etc ...
A booking rule defines a set of criteria and the target book where the deal will classified, it also has a priority, note that it is ok that two booking rule have same priority.
I want to implement booking rule as Drools rule.
Several booking rule can be applied to a deal, in that case choosing the right booking rule to fire depends on the following algorithm :
- look all the activated booking rule of the highest priority,
--- if there is a unique rule apply it
--- if there is no unique rule (0 rule or more than one), look at rules of a lesser priority and apply the same logic.
Next section is an example that will clear things (I hope).
Example :
A deal D1 has been done by Alex on NY market to buy Google stocks.
We have 3 booking rules :
- BR1 : criteria = trader=Alex / book = B1
- BR2 : criteria = trader=Alex and product = google stock / book = B2
As BR2 is more precise than BR1, il will matches the deal and book it in B1
If the deal was on another product, BR1 would have been applied.
Things gets more complicated when 2 rules of same priority can be applied.
Let's imagine we add the following booking rule
- BR3 : criteria = trader=Alex and market = NY / book = B3
We have a problem to book D1 since BR2 and BR3 can be applied but have same priority.
We can't choose one over the other thus we must apply a less precise/prioritary rule (if unique at its own precision level).
In my example, that would lead to apply BR1.
Question :
If I define BR1,BR2,BR3 as Drools rules, how can I tell Drools :
- to execute a rule only if there is no other active rule with same precision that could be applied ?
- to look for a unique matching rule with less precision level ?
I think it's the Agenda responsibility to take this decision, but I don't know how implement that.
Can you give some advices on that ?
Thanks for your lights in advance,
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15 years, 3 months
Can DSL / DSLR be loaded in a changeset?
by Pegram, Macon
I asked this question earlier this week, but didn't get a response. I
may have provided too much information, so let me distill it down to
this simple question....
Can DSL/DSLR files be loaded and accessed as part of a KnowledgeBase
constructed using the KnowledgeAgent / changeset model in Drools 5.0.1
My test code, attached to my earlier post, suggests this does not work.
15 years, 3 months
by Hemanth kumar
hi iam working on sample drools project.
In that i was dynamically loading a fact ang running the rule engine.
Based on the reply from the people of y previous post i have made some
In the Eclipse editor it works fine.but when i call it externally it is
throwing the error.I guess class path was recognised by the ruleengine
java class
static String path="C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat
System.out.println("Initializing Fact....");
URL[] urls = new URL[]{ new URL("file://"+path) };
ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
Class clazz = loader.loadClass("test.Message");
Object factObj = clazz.newInstance();
Method method = clazz.getMethod("setMessage", new
Method method1 = clazz.getMethod("getMessage");
//System.out.println("facts loaded\n");
method.invoke(factObj, new Object[]{"Hello"});
System.out.println("initializing packageBuilder");
PackageBuilderConfiguration config = new PackageBuilderConfiguration();
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder =
System.out.println("finding Rule");
if (kbuilder.hasErrors())
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to compile rules. " +
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(new
StatelessKnowledgeSession session =
System.out.println("running rule....... \n");
catch (Throwable t) {
tomcat output console
http://www.nabble.com/file/p26109542/console.PNG console.PNG
suggest me any ideas
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError-tp26109542p26109542....
Sent from the drools - user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
15 years, 3 months
[droolsflow] JPAVariablePersister - Multiple Entries for Variables passed into ForEach
by Bill Tarr
I'm seeing some strange behavior in the JPAPersistedVariable.
In this case, my Claim has 2 Role objects. So my Claim workflow has a ForEach, passing in a Role to each.
Here is the console output, notice the same Role @Entity having JPAPersistedVariable objects added for them twice.
Variable claim -> Persisting external Entity for the first time =com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Claim @ 3881fab4
Saving JPAPersistedVariable id=1 entityId=1 class=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Claim value=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Claim @ 51414b4
<<<<< Persisting variable claim = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Claim @ 51414b4
Variable 3:2:role -> Updating external Entity = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
Saving JPAPersistedVariable id=2 entityId=1 class=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role value=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
<<<<< Persisting variable 3:2:role = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
Variable 3:3:role -> Updating external Entity = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
Saving JPAPersistedVariable id=3 entityId=2 class=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role value=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
<<<<< Persisting variable 3:3:role = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
Variable role -> Updating external Entity = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
Saving JPAPersistedVariable id=4 entityId=1 class=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role value=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
<<<<< Persisting variable role = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ a87f09d8
Variable role -> Updating external Entity = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
Saving JPAPersistedVariable id=5 entityId=2 class=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role value=com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
<<<<< Persisting variable role = com.csatp.svc.rulesmgr.claim.Role @ b3ee9f8b
I've attached a screenshot of my SQL Server, lets see if it gets scrubbed out...
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15 years, 3 months
Decision tables
by Chris Richmond
What is the most straightforward example of using a decision table for
rules(CSV or Excel) within the sample code?
Essentially I want to check if it would work for the usage case where I want
the end user to be able to set all sorts of parameter limit values for rules
on objects being evaluate by rules. Also I would like for them to be able
to set limits on combinations of objects via decision tables. Allowing the
user to state specifically in the decision table something like:
If I have more than 3 of these objects then look at the fieldB of all these
objects, if any of these have "X" for fieldB then look at fieldC for all of
them and sum the total of all fieldC 's for all objects in memory and if
that number is above "Z" then do something
But if there are less than 3 but more than 1(essentially 2) of these
objects, then simply look at fieldC for both objects and reset fieldD for
whichever object has a lower value for fieldM.
Can decision tables be made to handlie this sort of flexible and extensible
decision matrix, or would that not be good fit for scenarios like this?
15 years, 3 months
Drools fusion and absence of events
by Richard Ambridge
Trying to get to grips with Fusion and absence of events...
If I have a Bean that has just a simple variable, e.g. class
MyBean { private String name; getter+setter }
I want to use events to determine when an object with name=="one"
is available, and no object with name=="two" appears within 10 seconds..
So, I write a rule:
declare MyBean
@role( event)
rule "myrule'
$a : MyBean(name=="one");
not( MyBean(name=="two", this after [0s,10s] $a))
//do something
If I inject an object with Name="one", and then wait 10seconds, I
get the 'myrule' fired, great!
But, if i inject an object with name="one" and then 1second later I
inject an object with name="other"
the 'myrule' is fired..
Looking at the manual, this seems kind of correct, the rule says if
I have a "one" and not a bean with name=="two"
which I do, as I have a 'one' and a 'other'
But, how do I write the rule to say, I have a 'one' and 'two' doesn't
turn up?
15 years, 3 months
question about Process Instances
by Daniel Miller
Another question about Process Instances:
Is there a way to inject variables into a running process instance? I
know when I start the process I can pass a Map of variables, but is
there a way to continue injecting variables -- like
processInstance.setVariable("myVariable",myValuedObject); ?
Dan Miller
15 years, 3 months
Question about signalEvent method
by Daniel Miller
Alright, I feel dumb posting this question, but I can't seem to find
an answer anywhere.
When I use signalEvent, I know I'm passing it the event I want to
fire, but then there is the "Object event" parameter. What exactly
happens if I fill this parameter? What I'd like to do is the following:
Get a running process id, and signal an event on the process -- in my
case "AttachAudio". However, the AttachAudio is going to be proceeded
by an action, which will be responsible for actually attaching my
audio object to a running Alert in my system.
So, obviously I need to inject the audio object into my process
instance. Is that what the "event" parameter does on signalEvent?
And if so, how does it know what variable to inject the object into?
If not, how can I do something like processInstance.setVariable
("audio",audioObject); processInstance.signalEvent
("AttachAudio",null); ?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Dan Miller
15 years, 3 months