Replacement for eval
by Nirmal Fernando
I have two questions.
1) Is there any other way/method in Drools to test the truth value of a
condition other than "eval"?
In almost all rules of my application needs to test conditions, and it takes
ages to run using "eval".
2) Say I have a java method which returns a boolean, and I have used it
within an "eval" function. (eg: eval(message.emptyMessageFinder()) )
This "emptyMessageFinder()" method will return a "boolean" if there's an
empty message. This function is containing many loops and recursive
Will I get a performance improvement if I alternate the above such that the
"emptyMessageFinder()" method sets a boolean attribute (anyEmptyMessage)
in the Message class to true and false, and I'm using following in my drl.
m: Message()
eval(m.anyEmptyMessage) //can I use eval here??
If someone can answer these questions it would be a great help!
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
C.S.Nirmal J. Fernando
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
14 years, 3 months
Drools flow question on proper exception handling / use of faults
by Liße, Jan
I have a process workflow where an exception might occur within one Action. I need to react on this exception in the workflow. That means I don't want to skip the entire processing
I just want to react properly by setting an error variable and skip this specific item (my process iterates over a list of items).
Now I tried to model my Action together with a Fault Node within a CompositeNode as seen in the User manual section on exception handling. The outgoing connection
of my Action is connected with the Fault. The outgoing connection of the CompositeNode is connected with the next Action. When I run the process it comes to the Action node and hangs there if no exception occurs (the next Action is never reached). Looking at the model this is reasonable since the outgoing connection leads to the Fault node. So my question is how can I properly model this kind of exception handling, where I need two ways of execution (one if everything goes fine, and one for fault handling)? Wrapping everything inside a CompositeNode alone does not seem to be sufficient...
Thanks in advance for any help!
14 years, 3 months
Drools Flow - problem with parameter mapping
by matus
I recently run into some problems when trying to create a simple holiday
request process.
I defined process variables but I struggle to understand how to access them
in Human Task.
In my User Task ,,holiday approval" I have this as a description:
#{employee} requested holiday for #{length} days
I set both variables when I start the process and the result looks as
expected, for example ,,John requested holiday fo 14 days.
But lets say I want a manager approving the holiday request to add his
response as a variable. How do I do that?
I tried to use the Result mapping with someting like this: response=response
but I get an error saying ,,There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF
Also if I manage to get this running, how do I set this variable in a client
app?[using WS_HT]
I am sorry if I am asking realy basic things, but I realy need some advice.
Bellow is the process definition.
Thanks a lot, matus
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions id="Definition"
<itemDefinition id="_employeeItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_lengthItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_managersItem" structureRef="String" />
<itemDefinition id="_responseItem" structureRef="String" />
<process processType="Private" isExecutable="true" id="com.sample.test"
name="test process" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" >
<!-- process variables -->
<property id="employee" itemSubjectRef="_employeeItem"/>
<property id="length" itemSubjectRef="_lengthItem"/>
<property id="managers" itemSubjectRef="_managersItem"/>
<property id="response" itemSubjectRef="_responseItem"/>
<!-- nodes -->
<startEvent id="_1" name="StartProcess" />
<userTask id="_2" name="Holiday approval" >
<dataInput id="_2_CommentInput" name="Comment" />
<dataInput id="_2_SkippableInput" name="Skippable" />
<dataInput id="_2_ContentInput" name="Content" />
<dataInput id="_2_TaskNameInput" name="TaskName" />
<dataInput id="_2_PriorityInput" name="Priority" />
<dataOutput id="_2_responseOutput" name="response" />
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">#{employee} requested holiday
for #{length} days </from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_CommentInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">false</from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_SkippableInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression"></from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_ContentInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression">Holiday Approval</from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_TaskNameInput</to>
<from xs:type="tFormalExpression"></from>
<to xs:type="tFormalExpression">_2_PriorityInput</to>
<endEvent id="_3" name="End" >
<!-- connections -->
<sequenceFlow id="_1-_2" sourceRef="_1" targetRef="_2" />
<sequenceFlow id="_2-_3" sourceRef="_2" targetRef="_3" />
<bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="com.sample.test" >
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_1" >
<dc:Bounds x="16" y="16" width="48" height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_2" >
<dc:Bounds x="96" y="16" width="100" height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="_3" >
<dc:Bounds x="340" y="16" width="48" height="48" />
<bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="_1-_2" >
<di:waypoint x="40" y="40" />
<di:waypoint x="146" y="40" />
<bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="_2-_3" >
<di:waypoint x="146" y="40" />
<di:waypoint x="364" y="40" />
14 years, 3 months
JBoss Rule Trace feature with 5.0
by Kinjal Khandhar
Hi All,
Can anybody help me with Drools Audit Log(Rule Trace) feature.
My goal is to check which rule got executed,in what sequence and which
conditions got evaluated and which did not.
Any help/pointers greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
14 years, 3 months
Alternate Flow Creation
by srikanthp
In process flow i need to execute alternate path based on some external
event. How can i do this ?
For Ex:In a process (shown below) billing activity was implemented using
work-item definition.
Process goes to next node i.e. Do some task only after completing billing
activity. I am calling completeWorkItem method after actually billing is
done in the application, so that process goes to next node.
But i have a requirement of once process is started (in the middle of
billing activity) user may choose to cancel the process. So based on an
external event i should do a compensating activity of billing and terminate
the process. How do i trigger this alternate path?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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14 years, 3 months
8Puzzle problem with Drools Planner
by Anderson Rocha
Hi all,
I am wondering if Drools Planner can handle the 8Puzzle problem. I once
resolved it with the A* search. But I do not know these simulated annealing
and tabu search that Drools Planner implements. So I am having a "Getting
stuck in local optima" problem, and depending on the start sollution it gets
into loop. But if you enter a really simple start solution it resolves,
because it choose the best scores until finish with few steps. If some one
can help, let me know what I can send (source code, configuration files) to
get some help.
14 years, 3 months
Re: [rules-users] Drools STREAM Mode performance with rather simple rule
by Roess. Oliver
Hello again!
Thanks for the heads up, Wolfgang.
Basically, what I try to create is some sort of batch window, which is
not really implemented into Drools Fusion if I remember correctly.
It doesn't HAVE to be A, B, C in that particular order which I specified
in my last post, but the rule shall only match each A, each B, and each
C once. So what would you recommend as a best practise to build that
rule? Or is my rule correct? Actually, I don't like the fact, that I
have to complete the rule by retracting my events in the RHS of the
rule. I'd rather have a batch window specified in the LHS. Thanks in
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14 years, 3 months