Thanks Mark for answering my query.
Now I have set all the jars file in the classpath, but still m getting the
same exception.
The exception is caused by : Null pointer exception.
I am not able to understand why it is giving me this exception, while in
the mailing list I didn't found anybody having this
This is my code snippet :
KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration config = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.
config.setProperty("", "ECLIPSE");
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder =KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(
config );
//KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder =
"shopingdiscount.drl"), ResourceType.DRL);
Am I missing anything that is to initialized , so that I can get through
this Null Pointer Exception.
Please help me to through of this situation. I am stuck in this.
Thanks & Regards
Pardeep Ruhil