The EulerGUI Integrated Development Environment (IDE) allows one to
develop and run rules in N3 logic language, applied to data and models
in various formats converted in N3 (Notation 3).
N3 is a convergence language that allows to express data (facts),
classes and properties, and rules. It is the main language for the
Semantic Web, being much more readable and concise than RDF (Resource
Description Format). Compared to pure point-and-click tools like
Protégé, EulerGUI is centered on textual editor for N3 source.
EulerGUI is Open Source, written in Java Swing.
SWRL rules are executed by a translator into N3 rules.
One of the 4 rules engines in EulerGUI is based on a translation of N3
rules onto Drools' DRL language. So Drools in this case is used as a
pure rule engine.
The main new feature is a 2 clicks tool to add all referred ontologies
to current project.
This plays particularly well with other features.
You can refer to an ontology or vocabulary by using its common prefix
in the editor, e.g. :
:p a foaf:Person .
Then, upon saving the corresponding prefix declaration will be added
by looking up the
http://prefix.cc web service :
@prefix foaf: <
http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
Then with the new feature, you can actually add the URI of the FOAF
prefix to the project, which downloads the FOAF ontology as N3. You
can then consult the FOAF ontology in the N3 editor, to discover all
available properties and classes. These properties' label and RDF
comments are also visible in the editor as tooltips. You can also
launch the OWL reasoner, which shows a tree view of classes in FOAF
and in all N3 sources in project.
The second new feature is a button to stop the current inference
engine. This is useful when a bad rule base goes into an infinite
As a side dish, there is a rule base that acts as a helper for
documenting a rule base. That is, every non declared property
generates a skeleton declaration; the same for undeclared classes.
Here is a how-to:
Download from
EulerGUI Manual here:
Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
http://jmvanel.free.fr/ - EulerGUI, a turntable GUI for Semantic Web +
rules, XML, UML, eCore, Java bytecode
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52 -- +33 (0)1 39 55 58 16
( we rarely listen to voice messages, please send a mail instead )
Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
http://jmvanel.free.fr/ - EulerGUI, a turntable GUI for Semantic Web +
rules, XML, UML, eCore, Java bytecode
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52 -- +33 (0)1 39 55 58 16
( we rarely listen to voice messages, please send a mail instead )
Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
http://jmvanel.free.fr/ - EulerGUI, a turntable GUI for Semantic Web +
rules, XML, UML, eCore, Java bytecode
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52 -- +33 (0)1 39 55 58 16
( we rarely listen to voice messages, please send a mail instead )
Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
http://jmvanel.free.fr/ - EulerGUI, a turntable GUI for Semantic Web +
rules, XML, UML, eCore, Java bytecode
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52 -- +33 (0)1 39 55 58 16
( we rarely listen to voice messages, please send a mail instead )