ekke wrote:
I did some first tests with BRMS and also with the IDE editors,
I like the features of BRMS like Categories and I like it to use a web
so Business users can take a look at the rules and verify them
developing of the rules is much easier using the eclipse editors with
context-assist, so I'm thinking about "how to combine it"
perhaps I misunderstood the concept, here's what I read from the docs:
Editing a DRL with context assist in the web will not be possible, its
just too difficult in a web environment. However the web does provide a
really nice guided editor, which in many ways is supperior to the
context assist in drl editing in eclipse.
I can import drls into BRMS, so this would be for the "first
then I can modify and categorize them and change the status from
draft to reviewed or so
in my application I can use an Agent to get the changes from BRMS
automatically, but there seems no way to push new drls or changed
drls from the IDE into the BRMS - the only I've seen is to import single
drls into BRMS
There is no tooling in Eclipse to syncrhonise or upload drls to the
BRMS. We have two things planned here, volunteers to accelerate this are
welcome :), one is to allow uploading of a drl to the brms directly
from eclipse, the other is svn syncrchronisation (partly done), we are
also possibly consdering the webdav facilities of jackrabbit, as
apparently eclipse can checkout webdav projects too.
any thoughts or ideas ?
thx - ekke