As to anyone else trying to figure out the XML stuff, I recommend you
write something in DRL first and then use the XMLDumper to see what the
XML looks like. From there if you think something isn't documented, that
should be, please open a jira with the appropriate documentation segment
and we will add it to the manual.
prateek.katiyar(a) wrote:
*From:* Prateek Katiyar (WT01 - ES- eEnabling)
*Sent:* Thu 9/27/2007 6:57 PM
*To:* rules-users(a)
*Subject:* About Drools
I am also a part of the user-list.
I am using Drools 4.0 with XML rule language.
I want to use the same .xml file with the two java programs.
Here are my programs
First java program:=
* *
*import* java.util.regex.Pattern;
* *
*import* org.drools.RuleBase;
*import* org.drools.StatefulSession;
*import* org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
*import* org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
*import* org.drools.rule.Package;
*import* org.drools.base.RuleNameStartsWithAgendaFilter;
* *
*public* *class* Validator {
* *@param* args
*public* *static* *void* main(String[] args) {
// *TODO* Auto-generated method stub
*try* {
String date="24-10-2000";
String dd1=date.substring(0,2);
String mm1=date.substring(3,5);
*int* dd=Integer./parseInt/(dd1);
*int* mm=Integer./parseInt/(mm1);
System./out/.print("The entered date is in proper format");
System./out/.println(" but not valid.");
*else* *if*(date.length()>10)
System./out/.println("The entered date is not in proper format");
System./out/.println("The entered date is not in proper format");
//load up the rulebase
*final* RuleBase ruleBase = /readRule/();
StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
RFQBean rfqbean=*new* RFQBean();
rfqbean.setM_deadLine("two days");
workingMemory.fireAllRules(*new* RuleNameStartsWithAgendaFilter(
"Check" ));
//Agenda a=workingMemory.getAgenda();
}*catch*(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException s){
System./out/.println("The entered date is not in proper format "+s);
}*catch*(Exception e){
//System.out.println("The description of error is "+e);
*private* *static* RuleBase readRule() *throws* Exception {
*final* Reader source = *new* InputStreamReader(
Validator.*class*.getResourceAsStream( "/rules/Check-new.xml" ) );
*final* PackageBuilder builder = *new* PackageBuilder();
builder.addPackageFromXml( source );
*final* Package pkg = builder.getPackage();
*final* RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory./newRuleBase/();
ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
*return* ruleBase;
*public* *static* *class* RFQBean {
*private* String m_rfqId;
*private* String m_partId;
*private* String m_product;
*private* String m_country;
*private* String m_lotSize;
*private* String m_mtrlType;
*private* String m_fsUMC;
*private* String m_deadLine;
*private* String m_dueDate;
*public* String getM_country() {
*return* m_country;
*public* *void* setM_country(String m_country) {
*this*.m_country = m_country;
*public* String getM_deadLine() {
*return* m_deadLine;
*public* *void* setM_deadLine(String line) {
m_deadLine = line;
*public* String getM_dueDate() {
*return* m_dueDate;
*public* *void* setM_dueDate(String date) {
m_dueDate = date;
*public* String getM_fsUMC() {
*return* m_fsUMC;
*public* *void* setM_fsUMC(String m_fsumc) {
m_fsUMC = m_fsumc;
*public* String getM_lotSize() {
*return* m_lotSize;
*public* *void* setM_lotSize(String size) {
m_lotSize = size;
*public* String getM_mtrlType() {
*return* m_mtrlType;
*public* *void* setM_mtrlType(String type) {
m_mtrlType = type;
*public* String getM_partId() {
*return* m_partId;
*public* *void* setM_partId(String id) {
m_partId = id;
*public* String getM_product() {
*return* m_product;
*public* *void* setM_product(String m_product) {
*this*.m_product = m_product;
*public* String getM_rfqId() {
*return* m_rfqId;
*public* *void* setM_rfqId(String id) {
m_rfqId = id;
Second java program:=
* *
*import* java.math.BigDecimal;
* *
*import* org.drools.RuleBase;
*import* org.drools.StatefulSession;
*import* org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
*import* org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
*import* org.drools.rule.Package;
*import* org.drools.base.RuleNameStartsWithAgendaFilter;
* *
*public* *class* Final {
* *@param* args
*public* *static* *void* main(String[] args) {
// *TODO* Auto-generated method stub
*try* {
//load up the rulebase
*final* RuleBase ruleBase = /readRule/();
StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
//go !
LoanApplicationBean loanbean = *new* LoanApplicationBean();
} *catch* ( *final* Throwable t ) {
* Please note that this is the "low level" rule assembly API.
*private* *static* RuleBase readRule() *throws* Exception {
//read in the source
*final* Reader source = *new* InputStreamReader(
Final.*class*.getResourceAsStream( "/rules/Check-new.xml" ) );
//optionally read in the DSL (if you are using it).
//Reader dsl = new InputStreamReader(
DroolsTest.class.getResourceAsStream( "/mylang.dsl" ) );
//Use package builder to build up a rule package.
//An alternative lower level class called "DrlParser" can also be used...
*final* PackageBuilder builder = *new* PackageBuilder();
//this wil parse and compile in one step
//NOTE: There are 2 methods here, the one argument one is for normal DRL.
builder.addPackageFromXml( source );
//Use the following instead of above if you are using a DSL:
//builder.addPackageFromDrl( source, dsl );
//get the compiled package (which is serializable)
*final* Package pkg = builder.getPackage();
//add the package to a rulebase (deploy the rule package).
*final* RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory./newRuleBase/();
ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
*return* ruleBase;
*public* *static* *class* LoanApplicationBean {
*private* *static* *final* *long* /serialVersionUID/ = 1L;
*private* *long* loanAppId;
*private* String fullName;
*private* String mobileNumber;
*private* String salaryRange;
*private* String loanAmt;
*private* String loanTenure;
*private* String interestRate;
*private* String prefix;
*private* String extension;
*private* String firstName;
*private* *int* day;
*private* String code;
*private* *int* month;
*private* *int* year;
*private* String date;
*private* String email;
*private* String Name;
*private* String lastName;
*private* String ssn;
*private* String birthDate;
*private* String dayTimePhone;
*private* BigDecimal purchasePrice;
*private* *long* loanAmount;
*private* String strLoanAmount;
*private* String propertyCity;
*private* String propertyState;
*private* String propertyZip;
*private* String loanType;
*private* String loanTerm;
*private* String loanProduct;
*private* *int* confirmationNumber;
*private* *boolean* validation;
*private* String strResMsg;
*private* *double* interest;
*private* *int* tenure;
* *@return* Returns the birthDate.
*public* String getBirthDate() {
*return* birthDate;
* *@param* birthDate The birthDate to set.
*public* *void* setBirthDate(String birthDate) {
*this*.birthDate = birthDate;
* *@return* Returns the confirmationNumber.
*public* *int* getConfirmationNumber() {
*return* confirmationNumber;
* *@param* confirmationNumber The confirmationNumber to set.
*public* *void* setConfirmationNumber(*int* confirmationNumber) {
*this*.confirmationNumber = confirmationNumber;
* *@return* Returns the dayTimePhone.
*public* String getDayTimePhone() {
*return* dayTimePhone;
* *@param* dayTimePhone The dayTimePhone to set.
*public* *void* setDayTimePhone(String dayTimePhone) {
*this*.dayTimePhone = dayTimePhone;
* *@return* Returns the firstName.
*public* String getFirstName() {
*return* firstName;
* *@param* firstName The firstName to set.
*public* *void* setFirstName(String firstName) {
*this*.firstName = firstName;
* *@return* Returns the lastName.
*public* String getLastName() {
*return* lastName;
* *@param* lastName The lastName to set.
*public* *void* setLastName(String lastName) {
*this*.lastName = lastName;
* *@return* Name returns the name
*public* String getName() {
*return* Name;
* *@param* Name sets the Name
*public* *void* setName(String Name) {
*this*.Name = Name;
* *@return* returns the emailid
*public* String getEmail() {
*return* email;
* *@param* email sets the emailid
*public* *void* setEmail(String email) {
*this*.email = email;
* *@return* returns the date
*public* String getDate(){
*return* date;
* *@param* date Sets the date
*public* *void* setDate(String date) {
* *@return* returns the area code
*public* String getCode(){
*return* code;
* *@param* code sets the area code
*public* *void* setCode(String code){
* *@return* returns the prefix
*public* String getPrefix(){
*return* prefix;
* *@param* prefix Sets the prefix of phone number
*public* *void* setPrefix(String prefix){
* *@return* returns the extension of the phone number
*public* String getExtension(){
*return* extension;
* *@param* extension sets the extension of the phone number
*public* *void* setExtension(String extension){
* *@return* returns the date
*public* *int* getDay(){
*return* day;
* *@param* day sets the day
*public* *void* setDay(*int* day){
* *@return* returns the month
*public* *int* getmonth(){
*return* month;
* *@param* month sets the month
*public* *void* setmonth(*int* month){
* *@return* returns the year
*public* *int* getYear(){
*return* year;
* *@param* year sets the year
*public* *void* setYear(*int* year){
* *@return* Returns the loanAmount.
*public* *long* getLoanAmount() {
*return* loanAmount;
* *@param* loanAmount The loanAmount to set.
*public* *void* setLoanAmount(*long* loanAmount) {
*this*.loanAmount = loanAmount;
* *@return* returns the tenure or term
*public* *int* getTenure() {
*return* tenure;
* *@param* tenure sets the tenure or term
*public* *void* setTenure(*int* tenure) {
*this*.tenure = tenure;
* *@return* returns the interest
*public* *double* getInterest() {
*return* interest;
* *@param* interest sets the interest
*public* *void* setInterest(*double* interest) {
*this*.interest = interest;
* *@return* Returns the loanAppId.
* *(a)hibernate*.id column="LoanAppId" generator-class="identity"
*public* *long* getLoanAppId() {
*return* loanAppId;
* *@param* loanAppId The loanAppId to set.
*public* *void* setLoanAppId(*long* loanAppId) {
*this*.loanAppId = loanAppId;
* *@return* Returns the loanProduct.
*public* String getLoanProduct() {
*return* loanProduct;
* *@param* loanProduct The loanProduct to set.
*public* *void* setLoanProduct(String loanProduct) {
*this*.loanProduct = loanProduct;
* *@return* Returns the loanTerm.
*public* String getLoanTerm() {
*return* loanTerm;
* *@param* loanTerm The loanTerm to set.
*public* *void* setLoanTerm(String loanTerm) {
*this*.loanTerm = loanTerm;
* *@return* Returns the loanType.
*public* String getLoanType() {
*return* loanType;
* *@param* loanType The loanType to set.
*public* *void* setLoanType(String loanType) {
*this*.loanType = loanType;
* *@return* Returns the propertyCity.
*public* String getPropertyCity() {
*return* propertyCity;
* *@param* propertyCity The propertyCity to set.
*public* *void* setPropertyCity(String propertyCity) {
*this*.propertyCity = propertyCity;
* *@return* Returns the propertyState.
*public* String getPropertyState() {
*return* propertyState;
* *@param* propertyState The propertyState to set.
*public* *void* setPropertyState(String propertyState) {
*this*.propertyState = propertyState;
* *@return* Returns the propertyZip.
*public* String getPropertyZip() {
*return* propertyZip;
* *@param* propertyZip The propertyZip to set.
*public* *void* setPropertyZip(String propertyZip) {
*this*.propertyZip = propertyZip;
* *@return* Returns the purchasePrice.
*public* BigDecimal getPurchasePrice() {
*return* purchasePrice;
* *@param* purchasePrice The purchasePrice to set.
*public* *void* setPurchasePrice(BigDecimal purchasePrice) {
*this*.purchasePrice = purchasePrice;
* *@return* Returns the ssn.
*public* String getSsn() {
*return* ssn;
* *@param* ssn The ssn to set.
*public* *void* setSsn(String ssn) {
*this*.ssn = ssn;
* *@return* Returns the validation.
*public* *boolean* isValidation() {
*return* validation;
* *@param* validation The validation to set.
*public* *void* setValidation(*boolean* validation) {
*this*.validation = validation;
* *@return* Returns the ssn.
*public* String getStrResMsg() {
*return* strResMsg;
* *@param* ssn The ssn to set.
*public* *void* setStrResMsg(String strResMsg) {
*this*.strResMsg = strResMsg;
*public* String getFullName() {
*return* fullName;
*public* *void* setFullName(String fullName) {
*this*.fullName = fullName;
*public* String getInterestRate() {
*return* interestRate;
*public* *void* setInterestRate(String interestRate) {
*this*.interestRate = interestRate;
*public* String getLoanAmt() {
*return* loanAmt;
*public* *void* setLoanAmt(String loanAmt) {
*this*.loanAmt = loanAmt;
*public* String getLoanTenure() {
*return* loanTenure;
*public* *void* setLoanTenure(String loanTenure) {
*this*.loanTenure = loanTenure;
*public* String getSalaryRange() {
*return* salaryRange;
*public* *void* setSalaryRange(String salaryRange) {
*this*.salaryRange = salaryRange;
*public* String getMobileNumber() {
*return* mobileNumber;
*public* *void* setMobileNumber(String mobileNumber) {
*this*.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
*public* String getStrLoanAmount() {
*return* strLoanAmount;
*public* *void* setStrLoanAmount(String strLoanAmount) {
*this*.strLoanAmount = strLoanAmount;
My ,xml file:=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package name="rules"
xs:schemaLocation=" drools-4.0.xsd">
<import name="" />
<global identifier="rfq"
type="" />
<import name=""
<global identifier="loanApplication"
type="" />
<rule name="Check_NotNullof_rfqId"> <!--start of rule 1-->
<eval>(rfq.getM_rfqId() =="null") ||
System.out.println("The value of m_rfqId is null.");
<rule name="validate_FullName">
<eval>(loanApplication.getFullName()==null) ||
System.out.println("full name is null from xml");
Now i want to use the agenda group so plz give me some idea about that.
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