Re: [rules-users] Improving Drools Memory Performance
by Greg Barton
For #2 try a custom operator for "connects".
On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Jevon Wright <jevon(a)> wrote:
Hi Wolfgang and Mark,
Thank you for your replies! You were correct: my eval() functions
could generally be rewritten into Drools directly.
I had one function "connectsDetail" that was constraining
unidirectional edges, and could be rewritten from:
detail : DetailWire ( )
eval ( functions.connectsDetail(detail, source, target) )
detail : DetailWire ( from == source, to == target )
Another function, "connects", was constraining bidirectional edges,
and could be rewritten from:
sync : SyncWire( )
eval ( functions.connects(sync, source, target) )
sync : SyncWire( (from == source && to == target) || (from == target
&& to == source) )
Finally, the "veto" function could be rewritten from:
detail : DetailWire ( )
eval ( handler.veto(detail) )
detail : DetailWire ( overridden == false )
I took each of these three changes, and evaluated them separately [1].
I found that:
1. Inlining 'connectsDetail' made a huge difference - 10-30% faster
execution and 50-60% less allocated heap.
2. Inlining 'connects' made very little difference - 10-30% faster
execution, but 0-20% more allocated heap.
3. Inlining 'veto' made no difference - no significant change in
execution speed or allocated heap.
I think I understand why inlining 'connects' would improve heap usage
- because the rules essentially have more conditionals?
I also understand why 'veto' made no difference - for most of my test
models, "overridden" was never true, so adding this conditional was
not making the cross product set any smaller.
Finally, I also tested simply joining all of the rules together into
one file. This happily made no difference at all (although made it
more difficult to edit).
So I think I can safely conclude that eval() should be used as little
as possible - however, this means that the final rules are made more
complicated and less human-readable, so a DSL may be best for my
common rule patterns in the future.
Thanks again!
On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)> wrote:
On 9 July 2010 14:14, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)> wrote:
You have many objects there that are not constrained;
I have an inkling that the functions.*() are hiding just these contraints,
It's certainly the wrong way, starting with oodles of node pairs, just to
pick out connected ones by fishing for the connecting edge. And this
is worsened by trying to find two such pairs which meet at some
Guesswork, hopefully educated ;-)
if there are
multiple versions of those objects you are going to get massive amounts
of cross products. Think in terms of SQL, each pattern you add is like
an SQL join.
On 09/07/2010 09:20, Jevon Wright wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am working on what appears to be a fairly complex rule base based on
EMF. The rules aren't operating over a huge number of facts (less than
10,000 EObjects) and there aren't too many rules (less than 300), but
I am having a problem with running out of Java heap space (set at ~400
Through investigation, I came to the conclusion that this is due to
the design of the rules, rather than the number of facts. The engine
uses less memory inserting many facts that use simple rules, compared
with inserting few facts that use many rules.
Can anybody suggest some tips for reducing heap memory usage in
Drools? I don't have a time constraint, only a heap/memory constraint.
A sample rule in my project looks like this:
rule "Create QueryParameter for target container of DetailWire"
container : Frame( )
schema : DomainSchema ( )
domainSource : DomainSource ( )
instance : DomainIterator( )
selectEdge : SelectEdge ( eval (
functions.connectsSelect(selectEdge, instance, domainSource )) )
schemaEdge : SchemaEdge ( eval (
functions.connectsSchema(schemaEdge, domainSource, schema )) )
source : VisibleThing ( eContainer == container )
target : Frame ( )
instanceSet : SetWire ( eval(functions.connectsSet(instanceSet,
instance, source )) )
detail : DetailWire ( )
eval ( functions.connectsDetail(detail, source, target ))
pk : DomainAttribute ( eContainer == schema, primaryKey == true )
not ( queryPk : QueryParameter ( eContainer == target, name == ) )
eval ( handler.veto( detail ))
QueryParameter qp = handler.generatedQueryParameter(detail, target);
handler.setName(qp, pk.getName());
queue.add(qp, drools); // wraps insert(...)
I try to order the select statements in an order that will reduce the
size of the cross-product (in theory), but I also try and keep the
rules fairly human readable. I try to avoid comparison operators like
< and>. Analysing a heap dump shows that most of the memory is being
used in StatefulSession.nodeMemories> PrimitiveLongMap.
I am using a StatefulSession; if I understand correctly, I can't use a
StatelessSession with sequential mode since I am inserting facts as
part of the rules. If I also understand correctly, I'd like the Rete
graph to be tall, rather than wide.
Some ideas I have thought of include the following:
1. Creating a separate intermediary meta-model to split up the sizes
of the rules. e.g. instead of (if A and B and C then insert D), using
(if A and B then insert E; if E and C then insert D).
2. Moving eval() statements directly into the Type(...) selectors.
3. Removing eval() statements. Would this allow for better indexing by
the Rete algorithm?
4. Reducing the height, or the width, of the class hierarchy of the
facts. e.g. Removing interfaces or abstract classes to reduce the
possible matches. Would this make a difference?
5. Conversely, increasing the height, or the width, of the class
hierarchy. e.g. Adding interfaces or abstract classes to reduce field
6. Instead of using EObject.eContainer, creating an explicit
containment property in all of my EObjects.
7. Creating a DSL that is human-readable, but allows for the
automation of some of these approaches.
8. Moving all rules into one rule file, or splitting up rules into
smaller files.
Is there kind of profiler for Drools that will let me see the size (or
the memory usage) of particular rules, or of the memory used after
inference? Ideally I'd use this to profile any changes.
Thanks for any thoughts or tips! :-)
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14 years, 5 months
Re: [rules-users] Doubt regarding drools Rule Engine
by Pardeep Ruhil
Hi Esteban,
Thanks for your reply.
I just like to ask one more question.
Q :Is there any GUI present through which I can make rules ?
I read the documents and find out that in Drools Guvnor, you can make rules using GUI.
But is there any facility available in Drools Guvnor to connect to a database and fetch tables and from
there I can create rules using the tables through GUI.
Please help me in this.
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Ruhil
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14 years, 5 months
Help: Web based console for editing BPMN2 in 5.1M2 or SNAPSHOT
by Low Han Ming NCS
I saw on the blog post that there will be a browser base tool to edit
BPMN2 processes in Guvnor 5.1.
I have downloaded the 5.1M2 and also the last successful build from
After I've added a sample.bpmn file to the repository through Eclipse,
it shows an error that the requested resource "/designer/editor" is not
available when I try to open it in guvnor.
I suppose this means that the BPMN editor which is suppose to be an Oryx
based editor is a webapp with a context /designer?
Can anyone advise how do I go about getting the designer webapp or build
from the source?
I have tried to download the src from and
build the drools-guvnor module, but it didn't seems to have the editor
loaded either.
Attached is a screenshot of my gunvor.
Thanks for any advise.
Han Ming
14 years, 5 months
Re: [rules-users] Drools Flow
by santosh mukherjee
I am a newbie to Drools flow. I am trying to generate a sample string event
in the action node using the snippet -->
context.getProcessInstance().signalEvent("java.lang.String", "hiii");
But they event is not getting generated.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank You.
Santosh Mukherjee
14 years, 5 months
Events: to be or not to be
by Edson Tirelli
Hi people,
I've been noticing that there is still a lot of confusion on how to model
business domains, more specifically, since Drools 5 with the addition of the
Drools Fusion features, what should be modeled as an event and what should
So, I wrote a quick blog about it, that I hope will help clarify things a
bit. This is not target at any user or use case in specific, but intends to
eventually raise some discussion and improve general understanding of the
Hope it helps,
Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss by Red Hat @
14 years, 6 months
Fusion pseudo-time and custom timestamps
by djb
So I am making progress... I am taking medical insurance claims and
inserting them into the entry-points as events, using the date of the claim
as the timestamp of the event.
I just want to check how am I meant to do this? I decided I probably need a
pseudo-clock as I am using historical data. I presume I am meant to work
out how long it has been since the last claim, and then call advanceTime, as
long previousClaimTime = 0;
for (ClaimOrReversal cor : history)
if (cor.isSubmittal())
long ms = cor.getTimestamp().getTime() - previousClaimTime;
clock.advanceTime(ms, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
previousClaimTime = cor.getTimestamp().getTime();
However, nothing is firing (claimEntry above corresponds to the entry point
name below).
Not even this:
rule claimReceived
$event : ClaimSubmittedEvent() from entry-point
What am I doing wrong?
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14 years, 6 months
Unit test for Ad-Hoc Task / Ad-Hoc Subprocess
by mardo
Hi there (->Kris),
for the unit test testAdHocSubProcess() in trunk, shouldn't there be added
at the end:
assertProcessInstanceCompleted(processInstance.getId(), ksession);
, which would fail. Either this is an error or I haven't properly understood
a concept of the ad-hoc subprocess. Can you give me a hint?
Thanks & Cheers
14 years, 6 months
Doubt regarding drools Rule Engine.
by Pardeep Ruhil
I have some doubts related Drools Rule Engine. I have read the documents related to it but still want to confirm some of my doubts
Doubts :
1 Can I execute rules by specifying the effective date ?
For eg. :- Like I write a rule and that rule will remain active till the date specified, after that date the rule becomes disabled or inactive.
2 Can I define depending upon the location ?
For eg. :- I will write rules for different location (like for New York, London , Australia) and depending upon the user's location the corresponding rule gets executed.
3 Can I call a rule by name ?
4 Can I execute another rule depending upon some condition in one rule. ( In short can I call one rule from another)
Please help me clear my doubts.
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Ruhil
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14 years, 6 months
Re: [rules-users] Drools issue
by djb
In Drools, you can call any java code in the "when" block using eval(...),
however, it is not advised because it cannot be used as a node in the RETE
rule "basic rule"
$a: Account( validAccount == true ) // condition
System.out.println("Account is not valid"); // consequence
depends on your goal though -- if you are making a validation program, you
probably want to use rule templates. otherwise, you might as well just use
a HashMap and a 3 line java program.
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14 years, 6 months