named query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner doesn't work with MySql db
by Frank Knoll
When I add a task (having two potential owners) by calling the method
addTask followed by calling the method getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner of
org.jbpm.task.service.TaskClient I expect to receive a list of TaskSummaries
containing at least the previously added task. But I actually get an empty
Here is my setup and possible solution:
I am using the trunk version of
./jbpm-human-task/src/main/resources/META-INF/orm.xml and a MYSQL database.
When calling addTask the Task table will …
[View More]be populated with a NULL
The named query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner
"select new org.jbpm.task.query.TaskSummary(...t.taskData.actualOwner...)
from ... left join t.taskData.actualOwner ..." of orm.xml generates SQL
consisting of an inner join "inner join OrganizationalEntity user7_ on" which doesn't take the NULL actualOwner_id
correctly into account.
When I replace the named query TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner with
"select new org.jbpm.task.query.TaskSummary(...actualOwner...) from ...left
join t.taskData.actualOwner as actualOwner ...", then the generated SQL
consists of an "left outer join OrganizationalEntity user2_ on" which takes the NULL actualOwner_id
correctly into account. So I get a List of TaskSummaries containing the
added task.
Is this a correct fix?
Cheers, Frank
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10 years, 12 months
Error Inserting events into drools fusion stream
by Ayush
Hi All,
I'm trying to implement drools fusion into my app. The scenario of my app is
as follows:
- Facts will be received continuosly.
- On receving fact I'm generating a new event and adding it into a new
working memory entry point stream. Also I'm adding facts into session coz
I'll be updating them.
- I need to apply rules on continuous stream of events.
- I've not used any camel + spring or pipeline. Are these mandatory to use?
For 1st fact everything works fine but when I receive 2nd …
[View More]fact I'm getting
Now when I'm trying to get entry point on receive of 2nd alarm I'm getting
org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException: Unexpected exception executing action
org.drools.reteoo.PropagationQueuingNode$PropagateAction@9ff411 Caused by:
On debug I found that the above exception is coming when I'm calling
session.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint("MyStream"); Can anyone please help me
that how should I insert facts and events into working memory?
I'd invested ample amount of time searching for this but I'm empty handed.
Guys please help this is very urgent for me. Thanks in anticipation
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11 years
Date equal comparison fails - don't understand why
by Saloojee, Karim
I am comparing SimpleAccount( dateAccountOpened == "5-Feb-2011")
where dateAccountOpened is "Sat Feb 05 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011" (if you
call toString()). The equal comparator fails (==) but the greater than
comparator passes (>) which I don't understand.
I feel I am missing something obvious here, but I have no idea what it
rule "Test date equality"
$acc : SimpleAccount( dateAccountOpened == "5-Feb-2011")
System.out.println("Expected and found an account opened
[View More]on 5-Feb-2011: " + $acc);
rule "Some dates are more equal than others"
$acc : SimpleAccount( dateAccountOpened > "5-Feb-2011")
System.out.println("Unexpected match: " +
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11 years, 4 months
Drools server and knowledge agent functionality
by Manuel Ortiz
Hello everybody:
I am taking a look at Drools Integration documentation to understand how
Drools server works and how can be used, and have a doubt concerning, let's
say... 'KnowledgeAgent capabilities'. Does Drools server support on the fly
rule updating as when using KnowledgeAgent to create KnowledgeBase objects?
If it does, where can be configured 'KnowledgeAgent related' properties such
as newInstance or resource scanner interval?
Thank you in advance for your time.
Kind regards,
Manuel Ortiz.
11 years, 4 months
Question about custom accumulation functions
by Bruno Freudensprung
While testing my custom accumulation function I noticed an unexpected
behavior (th'ats of course a personal point of view).
It seems that Drools 5.1 calls accumulate(...) and getResult(...) as
many times as the number of accumulated facts (accumulate, getResult,
accumulate, getResult, etc...).
Is it supposed to work like this?
Best regards,
11 years, 4 months
Dependency enumeration
by agarwalk
I have created following enumeration and java class file.
'OrderData.propertyState':(new com.asps.rules.OrderData()).loadStates()
*Java class:*
public class OrderData implements Serializable {
private String propertyState;
private String fulfillmentReviewerName;
// getters and setters
public List<String> loadStates() {
[View More]> states = new ArrayList<String>();
return states;
public List<String> loadReviewers(final String propertyState) {
List<String> reviewers = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println("### in load reviewers ### : " + propertyState);
if ("CA".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : A & B");
} else if ("NY".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : C& D");
} else if ("FL".equalsIgnoreCase(propertyState)) {
System.out.println("Reviewers : E& F");
} else {
System.out.println("Reviewers : G& H");
return reviewers;
I created a rule as follows
There is an OrderData with:
propertyState[propertyState]* FL* --- This is a drop down which
is being displayed correctly
fulfillmentReviewerName [fulfillmentReviewerName] -- This should
have been the drop down. Values are dependent on the state selected.
When i try to create above rule the enumeration is loaded correctly for
propertyState but the enumeration is not loaded for fulfillmentReviewerName
field. When I saw the logs the correct method and condition is being
invoked (as per Sys out)but drop down does not contain anything.
ANy suggestions?
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11 years, 6 months
Guvnor - Loading enums programatically using rule metadata
The Guvnor manual specifies how to load enum data programtically but it
seems like only other fields on the same Fact can be used to filter the
values that can show up in the drop-down fields, as shown below:
'Fact.field[dependentField1, dependentField2]' : '(new
Is it possible to somehow use other rule attributes, like package name or
rule metadata to filter the list? Something like the following:
[View More]field[dependentField1]' : '(new
G. Patel
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11 years, 6 months
how to debug rules in JBoss AS?
by Marina
I know one can debug rules (put breakpoints in .drl and ruleflow files) when
running/debugging an application as a Drools Application.
However, I would like to debug rules when my application is running in JBoss AS
- just like we do a normal debugging of a Remote application running in a
different JVM ,by enabling the JDWP on the server
(-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n) and then
connecting to the specified port.
Basically, I would like to be able to …
[View More]debug both my Java classes and rules
together. Is it possible?
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11 years, 7 months