  • 72 participants
  • 120 discussions
No String constructor found on type [org.drools.builder.ResourceType]
by ashokkuppuswamy
12 years
Mixing Drools language and Java implementions without performance loss
by Oliver Libutzki
12 years
How to ensure that a person does not execute the same task twice in a row?
by Michiel Vermandel
12 years
Re: [rules-users] Value is not reflected in Fact Object at Drool Client Side
by Esteban Aliverti
12 years
Re: [rules-users] Value is not reflected in Fact Object at Drool Client Side
by Esteban Aliverti
12 years
Guvnor and Global Functions
by Dean Whisnant
12 years
Value is not reflected in Fact Object at Drool Client Side
by Hushen Savani
12 years
Rules Unit Testing
by John Poole
12 years
Using outcome of previous planning as input of new planning
by Michiel Vermandel
12 years
how to get first and last element of list of facts?
by Michiel Vermandel
12 years
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