  • 72 participants
  • 120 discussions
same criteria across multiple rules cancels activation with Property Reactive Facts
by m11
12 years
Drools Planner: Solving a job schedule problem
by mr_moe
12 years
WS-Notifications support in Drools
by amit
12 years
XML rule: Wrongly interpreted Numeric String to Number
by Christina Lau
12 years
passing empty string to a method with varargs failed on the second execution
by brachi
12 years
Is Drools suitable for preprocessing my Resource Allocation Problem
by Raphael Jolivet
12 years
drools memory explosion for quite simple pattern
by michal.antolik
12 years
Rule Match deduplication
by michal.antolik
12 years
How to implement the MoveIteratorFactory interface for ?
by 软件0907黄泓
12 years
Creating a Query in Guvnor
by David R Robison
12 years
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