I must be missing the obvious
by Dean Whisnant
I've got to be blind and missing the obvious here. I had this working, but made a change to the function today. Now it's just not working.
Getting "error=Exception executing predicate diagVersion(DC) = "9""
1. | rule "L2300_HI_01"
2. | dialect "mvel"
3. | when
4. | CLM_837_SUPP( breakClaim_74 == "1" , DC : primaryDiagnosis_102 != ( null ) , eval( diagVersion(DC) = "9" ))
5. | diag : L2300_HI_HealthCareDiagnosisCode( )
6. | then
7. | diag.setHI01_01_DiagnosisTypeCode( "BK" );
8. | diag.setHI01_02_DiagnosisCode( diagCode(DC) );
9. | end
function String diagVersion(String diagcode) {
String tempDiagVersion = "";
if (diagcode.startsWith("ICD10")) {
tempDiagVersion = "10";
} else {
tempDiagVersion = "9";
return tempDiagVersion;
function String diagCode(String diagcode) {
String tempDiagCode = "";
if (diagcode.startsWith("ICD10")) {
tempDiagCode = diagcode.substring(5,diagcode.length());
} else {
tempDiagCode = diagcode;
return tempDiagCode;
Any thoughts on catching the obvious are appreciated.
11 years, 7 months
Corrections to documentation
by stephen.masters
Hi folks,
Just wondering what's the best way to provide corrections/ proofreading feedback to the docs. I'm reading through the 6.0 Expert user guide and spotting a few buts of dodgy grammar that would be nice to clear away.
11 years, 7 months