How to create object model (parse into object) from mvel string in drl file?
by neal
Below is the template to generate the rule statement (It is basic one).
What I want to do is to read the string and convert into object.
package @{package};
@foreach{importEntry : imports}
import @{importEntry};
@foreach{importEntry : staticImports}
import static @{importEntry};
rule "@{ruleName}"
dialect "@{dialectName}"
salience @{salienceValue}
enabled @{enableValue}
@foreach{modelObject : modelObjects} @{modelObject.referenceName} :
@{modelObject.referenceType} ( @foreach{ attribute : modelObject.attributes}
@{} @{attribute.operator} "@{attribute.value}" @end{} ) @end{}
// tempate data to set attribute
/ code to run the tempate
TemplateRegistry RULE_REGISTRY = new SimpleTemplateRegistry();
RULE_REGISTRY.addNamedTemplate( "rules",
RULE_REGISTRY.getNamedTemplate( "rules" ),
getMap(),RULE_REGISTRY ));
// method to get tempate in string
public static String prepareSimpleTemplate() {
return StringUtils.readFileAsString(new InputStreamReader(
The rule statement generated is:
package some;
import rout.Vo;
rule "Row_001"
dialect "mvel"
salience 10
enabled true
vo : Vo ( type_code == "S" )
vo.a_name = "X"
How to generate object model from String generated from MVEL template? Is
there any parser available to convert String into Object model in MVEL?
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11 years
named consequences for an or...
by pmander
I was using or in a rule for example
rule "or example"
$t : (Transaction(org == "us") or Transaction(acc == "111"))
insert(new Record($t, 1));
This would work but would create 2 Record objects which we sorted out later
on but now for performance reasons I don't want the second match to be
evaluated if the first one matches. I saw a post about named consequences
and came up with something like:
$t : Transaction(org == "us")
if ($t != null) break[t1]
$t1 : Transaction(acc == "111")
insert(new Record($t1, 1));
insert(new Record($t, 1));
This compiles but the "or" doesn't work. This is probably due to my "break".
Is there a way I can do what I need?
Note that the performance implication of performing the or is not apparent
in this example but it is there - I have simplified this example to make it
easier to talk about (and to protect the innocent)
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11 years
Unable to figure out few feature for tomcat7 deployment
by Mohit Srivastava
I deployed drools workbench on tomcat. Guide only explains every thing on
Wildfly or JBOSS EPA cluster
But I am unable to figure out following things:
- How to add new user?
- How to change system properties?
11 years
Issue with Kie-cli-config
by Soumya.plavaga
I tried to use kie-cli-config tools but it is not getting worked. I have
downloaded the zip distribution of that as mentioned in doc but when I am
running the file it's not resolving the main method under
CmdMain class. I have also tried to add the maven dependency for
'kie-cli-config' in my java project and tried to execute the main method
it's giving some exception at the point where initializing the clicontext.
It's giving exception in the following line -
bootstrap.validateBeans(); (within -
Exception coming -
Unsatisfied dependencies for type [ServletContext] with qualifiers [@Named]
at injection point [[field] @Inject @Named private
Hence I can not go forward after this. Looks like ServletContext is not
getting resolved within 'RuntimePluginsServiceServerImpl' class. Can you
please confirm if this is an issue ? In that case what will be the work
around we will use?
Any help will be really appreciated.
Many Thanks,
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11 years
How to generate rule statements using MVEL 2.0 template?
by neal
I came to know through drool user forum that a drl file can be created using
recursive MVEL 2.0 template.
I am trying like below.
public static String prepareRule(String RuleName){
String template = "\n rule \""+RuleName+"\" "+
"\n dialect \"mvel\" "+
"\n salience \"10\" " +
"\n when" +
"\n demo : Demo( one == \"N\" , two == \"C\" , three == 1005 )" +
"\n then" +
"\n demo.setFirst( 4003 );" +
"\n demo.setLast( 4003 );" +
"\n demo.setRuleID( \"SEQ_1\" );";
return template;
public static String getRuleAsString(String template){
Map vars = new HashMap();
return (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(template,vars);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(getRuleAsString(prepareRule("Rule 1")));
When i am printing it out, It is generating rule skeleton. I am planning to
create whole rule stuff passing arguments like rule name in the example. Am
i doing correct?
How to do it correctly?
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11 years
No inferred expiration when correlating events in Drools Fusion
by Alexandre Gattiker
I am trying to use Drools Fusion (5.6.0 or 6.0.1) to correlate events, but
can't get the internal mechanism for expiring events to work in my rule.
I made up a simple example that detects duplicate messages over a short
time window. The rule below seems to work fine, but facts accumulate
indefinitely in the working memory. Changing window:length(1) to
window:time(10s) does not solve the issue.
declare DataEvent
rule "Detect duplicates"
DataEvent ( $text: text ) over window:length(1)
ArrayList( size >= 2 ) from collect( DataEvent( text == $text ) over
window:time( 10s ) )
System.err.println("Duplicate detected");
Now, if I change my condition to the following, I see that facts
automatically expire and are retracted after 10 seconds.
ArrayList( size >= 10 ) from collect( DataEvent( ) over window:time(
10s ) )
Many thanks in advance.
11 years
Unable to deploy drool-workbench on tomcat 7
by Mohit Srivastava
Hi Everyone,
I tried to deploy drool-workbench on tomcat 7 . But I have encountered with
I am unable to figure out the reason, I like to get some help from you guys
2014-01-18 19:44:12,202 [http-bio-8081-exec-2] INFO KieModule was
2014-01-18 19:44:17,512 [http-bio-8081-exec-2] ERROR Failed to setup
Repository 'uf-playground'
java.lang.RuntimeException: Lock obtain timed out:
2014-01-18 19:44:17,926 [http-bio-8081-exec-2] ERROR Can't initialize
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: Provider could not be
Address already in use
11 years
Guvnor enumerations
by Stephen Masters
Hi folks,
I don't suppose anything notable changed between 5.3 and 5.5 in the way Guvnor loads data enumerations?
I have a number of enumerations similar to the following:
'MyFact.currencies' : (new com.myapp.guvnor.enums.CurrencyEnum()).isoCodes()
But I see the exception in Guvnor:
Unable to load enumeration data.
[Error: unable to invoke method: isoCodes] [Near :{... 'MyFact.': ….}] ^ [Line: 1, Column: 1]
Error type: org.mvel2.PropertyAccessException
The jar is in the lib directory, there is a method called "isoCodes()", and when I run the main class inside it then the various enumerations are returned. And yes, it did (does) work absolutely fine in 5.3 with this same configuration.
11 years
Drools 6.0.0 Camel-server query results
by akjones33
Hi all - I'm just getting started with Drools and trying to get my first
query running through Camel-Server using XML. I had expected that a query
would return the objects found, with their attributes as XML elements but I
only get an identifier.
The query is
query "depositAccept"
dA: DepositAccept();
DepositAccept is defined in java as
public class DepositAccept {
private String message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
In my XML batch execution command I have
<batch-execution lookup="ksession2">
<insert out-identifier="person1">
<fire-all-rules max="-1"/>
<query name="depositAccept" out-identifier="person2"/>
which gives me the response
<result identifier="person1">
<result identifier="person2">
<fact-handle identifier="person1"
I take that to mean that "dA" exists (i.e. the query returns one object) but
I would have expected then to have the "message" attribute shown from the
DepoistAccount object that dA refers to. Is that possible ?
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11 years
Planner with a list of planning variables
by Justin Case
Hello all,
can I use as planning variable a list of values?
Here's a test use case: planning a food recipe, where the recipe can have say maximally 5 ingredients (taken from the solution property, I guess). So far I could find in the examples and documentation, it's all about ONE planning variable in the solution, but here I'd need a LIST of such... is it actually doable this way?
I cannot do it the other way around, as an ingredient may be found in more recipes...
Many thanks,
11 years