  • 77 participants
  • 123 discussions
Looking for a way to point drools wb to pick my external git repo.
by Soumya.plavaga
11 years
permgen leak
by brachi
11 years
Order of object creation in stateful session
by Dean Whisnant
11 years
standalone guvnor
by Bowman, Pamela
11 years
KieBuilder.buildAll() causing exception
by waynemetcalfe
11 years
Inconsistent output when @PropertyReactive is used
by Sonata
11 years
Ability to use Any of the Following (OR) with DSLs
by Nikita Patel
11 years
Problem when creating KieModuleModel
by Demian Calcaprina
11 years
How to add generated rules (from templates) to a KB on the fly?
by Shinsekai
11 years
KnowledgeAgent fallback FROM local cache?
by dunnlow
11 years
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