IMHO, this bug still occurs in 5.0.1 final version as well as in trunk.
I put the proper comment and example code in JIRA:
I need it working quite quickly, so if the Drools developers plan to
solve it later, then I will try to look at the source code by myself and
find the solution (and share of course).
However I would like to ask if anyone tried to diagnose the problem
earlier and has some thoughts where to look for the cause?
Best regards,
Przemysław Różycki
Architekt IT
AMG.net, A Bull Group Company
ul. Łąkowa 29
90-554 Łódź
tel.: (+48 42) 296 11 82
GSM: (+48) 510 022 612
jid: p.rozycki(a)amg.net.pl
GG: 145116
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