Yes, it is possible and very easy to do.
Take a look at the chapter eight in the Drools Flow Documentation
If you have a question about that, don't be afraid to ask!
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 8:42 PM, Clandes Tino
I am starting to evaluate RuleFlow.
I would have one question:
is it possible with eclipse designer to create custom node, and save its
definition somehow, so that it becomes available in component panel, by some
import, or update mechanism?
If it is, how this can be done?
My wish is to provide custom rule sets and custom work item nodes for WS
invocations to the client, who will create Rule Flow by himself with
enriched set of nodes.
I could not find that in documentation, although I think I read it is
possible somewhere.
Thanks and best,
rules-users mailing list
- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -