This was a really useful post, going into some detail on behaviour and
the underlying reasoning for the Drools implementation, especially the
6.X stuff. I've removed a whole bunch of salience mess as a result as
well, which is always good for code quality.
A question though - if rules in multiple different files become eligble
for firing "at the same time", is their ordering something that is
readily predictable?
On Monday 28/07/2014 17:11, Mark Proctor wrote:
Phreak is just depth + load order, so it’s not a big change, all it
does is remove the degree of arbitrary behaviour you were relying on for performance.
Depth in 5x meant rules with the same salience were executed in an arbitrary order, it
seems this arbitrary order was not so arbitrary in your case and makes an impact on
performance - but as it’s arbitrary the repeatability of this cannot be ensured, even
across environments let alone versions. In 6x this is no longer arbitrary, which will
allow people more predictability in their rule executions. Load order is also much easier
for people to understand and deal with, and often avoids the need to use salience at all -
it’s also how people’s brains tend to think. Rules higher up in the file, fire first. We
recommend one “agenda-group” per file, so that it’s easy to keep control of those orders.
Salience can still over-ride this; but over time we have further ideas to completely
remove the need for salience. This didn’t make much sense in 5x as load order was not
preserved between kbase updates, so if you add rules later you lose the load order. In 6x
we fixed this, so load order is always preserved between versions, an thus adding this
enhancement makes sense.