I have a test case that says that if any one field is present then all must be
present and then verified. The items in question are for an Insurance object
and are Name, Street, City, County, State, Country and Zip. If one of the
these 7 fields is present (not null/blank) then it and all the other fields
need to be verified. This needs to be done on a per object basis as not all
InsuranceCarrier objects will have these fields filled in.
Just to clarify I need rules for each field similar to the following:
rule "Name cannot be blank"
$i : Insurance( name == null, street != null || city != null ||
county != null || state != null || country != null ||
zip != null)
<Report error>
Ithere a simple way to check all the values and then execute all the rules for
that object?
THanks in advance,
Brian Enderle