Not sure if I understood your problem, but if you have multiple classes
with the same name, and the only difference is that they are inner classes
of different classes, I guess what you need to do is to fully qualify your
class names in your rules...
rule xxx
my.package.MyClass.MyInnerClass( ... )
If this is not your problem, can you please show us an example so we
understand it better?
2007/7/25, Eric Miles <eric.miles(a)>:
Due to how JAXB treats anonymous inner complex types, I ended up with a
public static inner classes named AlternativeKey in several of my data
classes I have several rules written to deal with each data class
individually that all work ok. However, when I attempt to put them all in
the same rule base (all belong to the same package), I get an import
collision exception on the AlternativeKey inner class. Depending on where
in the builder I add the resource depends on which AlternativeKey the
compiler bitches about (validity). I'm not familiar with the source at all,
so I'm unsure as to where to look for this. However, this sounds like a bug
to me? There is an easy workaround for this as I I just don't use anonymous
types and define them in my schema explicitly. Just thought I'd identify
this as a possible issue.
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Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
Office: +55 11 3529-6000
Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @