Almost nobody uses <bruteForce>, including the examples...
I 've got 1 integration test for it, NQueensBruteForceTest, (and all
tests are green upon a release), so it should work though.
What you're describing sounds like a bug:
DefaultBruteForceSolverPhase somehow forces BestSolutionRecaller to use
the latest workingSolution,
instead of the earlier found bestSolution, as the bestSolution.
But if that bug was real, then NQueensBruteForceTest would fail.
What version of optaplanner are you use?
If you can diagnose with some confidence that this is a bug in
optaplanner itself, create a jira.
On 02-03-14 19:44, moltenice wrote:
Hello all,
I am currently trying to use Optaplanner to create a timetable of
interviewers, where x students are to be given interviews in a given time
The planning variable is Lecturer class, meaning different lecturers can be
assigned to different timeslots.
Through debugging, I can tell that the planner does optimize (I'm currently
using brute force just to be complete for small problems). But the final
best solution ALWAYS has the results of the last search the optimizer did,
and so the 'best' solution information seems to be lost as soon as the
planner does another search.
Clearly I'm doing something wrong. Can anybody let me know what the problem
Thanks a bunch in advance!
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