no problem, from Nov. on I will have time to do the evaluation. So
please post your puzzle for next round....and I'm sorry for the delay
of the uploading all solutions for last round, currently I'm too busy
documenting 13,000 lines of code but will have time for the evaluation
in November. Scott you can email your address to Mark and he will send
you the T-shirt.
On 10/15/07, Scott Reed <sreed(a)> wrote:
I am pleased to have won the last round. I will be happy to propose a new puzzle but
will not
have time to do the evaluations. If that's a problem, then perhaps the award should
go to the next
in line.
Ellen Zhao's message received 10/8/2007 6:48 PM:
> Hi all,
> thanks to Dr. Starke's evaluation, the result of the Drools Puzzle #2
> is out. Congratulations to the winner Scott Reed, it's your turn to
> post the puzzle for round 3. We will publish the evaluation text very
> soon.
rules-users mailing list
Ellen Ning Zhao
Department of Computer Science
University of Applied Science of Kaiserslautern at Zweibruecken
Tel: +49-179-7447898