Do you receive any error messages?
Did you look at the example I linked to last time?
Change-sets need a UID and PWD in them (as per the example), however IIRC
the one generated by Guvnor does not include them.
There have been various work-arounds discussed on this mailing list before.
Please feel free to seach for them.
With kind regards,
On 18 October 2012 13:27, Sai Nadh <adisya.sai(a)> wrote:
How can i access the rules (which i have created in Drools Guvnor) to my
java application?
plz give me some example....
i have tried with below code, is there any mistakes?? if yes pls
private static KnowledgeBase createKnowledgeBase() {
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent( "MyAgent"
KnowledgeAgentConfiguration kaconf =
kaconf.setProperty( "drools.agent.scanDirectories", "false" );
kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource("
return kbase;
my guvnor package sanpshot details are
[image: Inline image 2]
thanks in advance
* sainadh*
* *
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