Yes, you can create a query and call it in a function, as you'd call
it in Java - see the Expert documentation.
Alternatively, consider using an insertLogical as in your Rule1,
putting the list into a simple wrapper class declared in DRL.
Or simply use "extends Rule1" in all the rules needing the collected
list, omitting the insert from Rule1.
I think you can omit the first pattern from Rule1.
On 31/10/2012, Miguel Paraz <mparaz(a)> wrote:
I have a rule like:
rule "Rule1"
$fact: Fact1()
$allFacts: ArrayList() from collect(Fact1())
insert(new Fact2($allFacts.size()));
I want to compute $allFacts inside a function since I will use it across
different rules.
This doesn't work because it is not valid Java syntax:
function int size() {
ArrayList a = ArrayList() from collect(InQueuePredicate());
return a.size();
Could I put this in a named query, and call it from a function?