Unless I never looked at the name except in the source code, I don't see the much
point in having
two names that can be distinguished (due to hashcode inclusion) but have been semantically
disconnected from the source code rules. If an error occurs in one of those rules, how
will you know
which one the message refers to? How will you make sense out of the log? It makes more
sense to me
to replace non-alphanumeric characters with alphanumerics as Ron's team member
Ronald R. DiFrango's message received 5/24/2007 1:46 PM:
Yeah, I like that idea as well!
On 5/24/07, *Edson Tirelli* <tirelli(a)post.com <mailto:tirelli@post.com>>
Geoffrey, that is actually a nice Idea... :)
Will look at implementing it.
2007/5/24, Geoffrey Wiseman < geoffrey.wiseman(a)gmail.com
Just a thought -- you could always do something like include the
string's hashcode in the rulename, to ensure that two names that
are similar with special-character differences won't conflict
with each other.