yeah the internal impl is arraylist but the interface is a
collection<KnowledgeBuilderErrors>, so everytime I had to convert it to
array and keep counter of last-error-index and fetch new
KnowledgeBuilderErrors on the collection, or use iterator to iterate the
last-error-index and continue till the end of the collection.
the knowledge builder dosent return any package if it has atleast one
failed package.
But I want the successfully-compiled rules to be in the kBase and log the
failed rules with the unique identifier of it.
so the author of the rule is notified and rest all rules work without any
creating new kBuilder for every rule (drl string) in the db and adding its
packages to the kBase is the only way?
may be something like kBuilder.remove(failedResource) or
On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)>wrote:
If the list of errors is extended by errors detected during another
kb.add(): why not just keep track of the last size() of the list? New
errors are bound to appear at the end of the list.
On 10 June 2012 01:44, Sandeep Bandela <gibsosmat(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have rules (drl format strings) stored in a database column in a schema
> like MyRules(rule_id integer, name text, rule text, enabled boolean ... )
> I query the db to get them and iterate over the rows and add using
> KnowledgeBuilder.add() using String.getBytes. (I dont want to move to
> guvnor as of now)
> some rules might have compilation errors, hence the
> KnowledgeBuilder.hasErrors() is set to true.
> those will not be added to the package by the PackageBuilder.
> My problem is to log the error causing rule_id and the error message.
> KnowledgeBuilderErrors dosent expose the internal errors list so that I
> could see if any new errors are in the arraylist from the last time error
> seen time and log them.
> But only solution i could think of is using the low level api of using
> DrlParser to pre-parse it to check for errors+log and add to the kBuilder
> if its not failed.
> is there any elegant way to do this?
> I am using
> --
> Regards,
> Sandeep Bandela.
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