we were using drools engine 5.0.1 version with rules having 'duration',
'agenda-group' attributes and now we want to upgrade drools engine to 5.1.1
or latest 5.3.0 but we find 'duration' feature not working. What are the
equivalents of those features in 5.1.1 and in 5.3.0?
From drools-expert document, 'duration' seems as deprecated
with 'timer'.
But even 'timer' is not working. Putting
'timer' attribute as:
rule "test timer attribute"
agenda-group "enrichment"
auto-focus true
salience 140
timer ( int: 5s )
//duration ( 5000 )
gives "Error: java.lang.ArrayStoreException" Drools compilation error.
"timer ( 5s )" compiles, but the rule never fires.
We are also planning to use @expires in declare. But facts are not seems to
be expiring.
What am I missing here? What are the equivalent for 'duration' in
5.1.1/5.3.0 and how to use @expires in declare?
Please point us to some sample rules that uses these semantics and are
Thanks in advance,
Prashant B.