I am able to get a list of the rules from the mortgage in the database, but
how do I set up the java when I fire the rules, to get them to execute the
underage rule?
Viewing source for: Underage
1. | rule "Underage"
2. | salience 10
3. | dialect "mvel"
4. | when
5. | application : LoanApplication( )
6. | Applicant( age < "21" )
7. | then
8. | application.setApproved( false );
9. | application.setExplanation( "Underage" );
10. | retract( application );
11. | end
I assume I need an application class and Applicant class, but where does
LoanApplicatiion come from.
I do not see it anywhere in the examples in the docs?
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