In theory you can use AgendaFilters in combination with ruleflow. Note however that the
agenda filter will prevent certain other activations from firing. As a result, your
ruleflow could be blocked somewhere by not being able to execute certain activations:
* An ruleflow group will only continue if all its activations have been completed.
Preventing one such activation from firing (using an AgendaFilter) will prevent the
ruleflow group from completing and thus the ruleflow from continuing.
* Internally, the ruleflow implementation also uses rules for executing a ruleflow, like
for example when evaluating conditions in a split node. You should make sure you do not
block these rules from executing.
Please know that using AgendaFilters like this is discouraged. It can be used for testing
and debugging purposes, but you should probably not use it like this in production. There
are probably other ways to do what you are trying to do here.
If you really want to fire only one rule for a ruleflow group, I would suggest you make
your AgendaFilter more specific, so it does not block rules from other ruleflow groups.
You can do this by making your own implementation of an AgendaFilter, for example a
RuleNameInRuleFlowGroupEqualsAgendaFilter, which only blocks rules in the same ruleflow
group from firing if they do not have the right name.
----- Original Message -----
From: Manukyan, Sergey
To: rules-users(a)
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:13 PM
Subject: [rules-users] firing specific rule
I have to restate the question as didn't find the answer anywhere and have not get
response to it in my previous email.
Using 4.0.2. So I have a set of rules, each with a specific ruleflow-group defined.
And I have a rule flow file defined. Altogether everything works fine.
Now I need to fire a single specific rule from this rule set. Using the
RuleNameEqualsAgendaFilter didn't help, it didn't fire the rule.
How is it supposed to be done?
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