Thanks Kris for your input. It would be great if you could share us on
sample code snippet how to acheive this ObjectMarshallingStrategy for
ProcessInstances .
Also confirm us by using this approach the process is avialable for drools
rule constraints to take decisions.
On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Kris Verlaenen <
kris.verlaenen(a)> wrote:
This is indeed a special case. Process instances are already stored
part of the session runtime state, so no need to store them again as
part of the working memory. You need to register a custom
ObjectMarshallingStrategy for ProcessInstances in the working memory
that simply retrieves them from the session state.
Quoting PremKumar s <premkumar.sivanandan(a)>:
> Hi,
> I am evaluating the drools expert with drool flow using
> TimeManagement
> System. I am inserting the process instance into working memory of
> drools
> [session.insert(workflowProcessInstance)] So that the rules can use
> the
> process instance as part of Rule constraints to enable the rules to
> make
> more sophisticated decisions based on the state of the current
> process
> instance.
> Rule snippet
> rule "Submit Time" ruleflow-group "Submit Time"
> dialect "java"
> when
> processInstance:WorkflowProcessInstance()
> tkRequest:TKRequest ()
> tkRequestDAO:TKRequestDAO()
> then
> // check the current processInstance state as
> Active
> then do that
> //Do custom operation, status change,
> persistence
> update
> end
> The approach is works fine with using
> KnowledgeBuilder.newStatefulKnowledgeSession() that is no
> persistence. But
> once i have enabled the Persistence using
> JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(know, null,
> getEnvironment()) it throws stack over flow error due the
> workflowProcessInstance is not serialized while trying to persist the
> newly
> added workflowProcessInstance to working memory.
> Once i have commented the
> session.insert(workflowProcessInstance)
> the stack overflow error is gone but none of my rules are not
> executed.
> Can some one provide guidance on how to pass this
> workflowProcessInstance to
> rule constriant with persistence JPAKnowledgeSession enabled.
> Thanks
> Prem