Small correction.
This: [condition][RestrictedLocation]- test=$test : test
should actually be:
[condition][RestrictedLocation]- test=$test == test
but I still have the problem :)
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Leonardo Gomes
Given the following DSL definition:
[condition][RestrictedLocation]Is restricted by = ArrayList(size >= 1) from
> collect(RestrictedLocation() from $restrictedLocationList)
> [condition][RestrictedLocation]- test=$test : test
and the following rule:
rule "Test"
> when
> Is restricted by
> - test
> then
> ...
> end
I'm getting the following DRL:
rule "Test"
> when
> ArrayList(size >= 1) from collect( RestrictedLocation*(, $test : test
> ) *from $restrictedLocationList)
> then
> ...
> end
Note the comma before the restriction: ** (, **
Anyone would know how to fix that?
Thanks a lot,