Hi Wolfgang:
Thank you very much for the explanation. Now everyting works fine.
Best regards,
Manuel Ortiz.
2011/4/29 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)gmail.com>
2011/4/29 Manuel Ortiz <manuel.ortizramos(a)gmail.com>
> import es.simcasva.alarmas.src.MDSVHechoAlarma;
> query "existe Alarma" (MDSVHechoAlarma referencia)
> $alarma : MDSVHechoAlarma( iIdAlarma == referencia.iIdAlarma,
> The reported errors are:
> Description Resource Path Location Type
> BuildError: Not possible to directly access the property 'iIdAlarma' of
> declaration 'referencia' since it is not a pattern
> AlarmaReglasGenerales.drl /aitor/es/simcasva/alarmas/rules Unknown Drools
> Error
"referencia" is a query parameter (and not a variable bound to a fact); to
access any of its fields or methods you must use Java notation, requiring
you to use a "return value restriction", hence the parentheses:
$alarma : MDSVHechoAlarma( iIdAlarma == ( referencia.getIIdAlarma() ),
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