There is a lot to look for when talking about performance. It is not
possible to give you any advice without knowing explicitly what you are
doing. It's like SQL: depending one your data model and the way you write
your queries, they will perform better or worst.
Just one detail: most of the times, this will reduce your performance:
Obviously, we expose the configuration because in a few very specific
cases, it may improve it.
So, if you really want to discuss how to improve performance, create a
self contained test case and present it. Then we have the data to talk about
2008/11/20 Maxim Veksler <maxim.veksler(a)>
Hi Joe,
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Joe White <Joe.White(a)>wrote:
> Maxim,
> Depending on your use case you may be able to disable shadow facts in your
> Drools 4 instance. See the manual on when it is ok/not-ok to disable shadow
> facts. Based on your description it probably is acceptable for your uses.
> Disabling shadow facts may improve your performance, the manual has details.
> To disable shadow facts:
> RuleBaseConfiguration conf = *new* RuleBaseConfiguration();
> conf.setShadowProxy(false);
> base = RuleBaseFactory.*newRuleBase*(conf);
Thank you for the tip, I've added the following flags :
and yet I'm seeing performance that are not near what I've been expecting,
am I doing something wrong or does drools gives me all that he can :
[maximv@mldev2 ~]$ awk -f awk_avg_ruleEngineFacade.getMatch.awk
avg: 35.9153(ms) for 1027 calls
This is an example of the kind of rules we're using (modified) :
rule "Context OtherObject"
$f : FilteringStateConnector($ContextId : ContextId, $subscriberId :
$subscriber : Subscriber(id == $subscriberId, $subscriberOtherObject :
OtherObject, OtherObject != null , OtherObject != "")
$OtherObject : PropertyInstance(type_ ==
PropertyInstance.OtherObject_PROPERTY_TYPE, code ==
$Context : Context(code == $ContextId, OtherObjects contains
$f.setPassedRuleRecord("Context OtherObject");
> *From:* rules-users-bounces(a) [mailto:
> rules-users-bounces(a)] *On Behalf Of *Maxim Veksler
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 19, 2008 8:36 AM
> *To:* Rules Users List
> *Subject:* [rules-users] Drools 4 performs slower then Drools 3 - Help on
> .drlfile adaptation
> Hello everyone,
> Please allow me to briefly describe how our system works:
> We use drools as an efficient matching layers - I have X rules, in the RHS
> of each rule I have a mark for each rule to signal that it has passed in the
> current context (There are by definition more then 1 contexts). After the
> first fireAllRules() has finished, and I have the data structure that allows
> me to query what rules have passed for each context I assert a "Marker"
> object, that allows Drools to continue filtering only for these contexts
> that I decide as valid to match attempts.
> The end result, is that I have 2 fireAllRules called with some java code
> in between them.
> In drools3 for 3 contexts I got the following resutls :
> == Drools Section (Generic Call) : With default context settings, no
> HotSpot.
> RESULT:::::::: avg: 33.9023(ms) for 1555 calls
> Now in drools4 I'm getting the following:
> == Drools Section (Generic Call) : With default context settings, no
> HotSpot - Drools 4
> RESULT:::::::: avg: 37.4356(ms) for 1467 calls
> As I increase the context's number I'm getting larger difference in
> results time.
> Please note that HotSpot is disabled just for the test, to not JIT
> interference.
> I've disabled all evals in the drl files, to all is left is pure Drools
> syntax and yet It seems that the system works slower.
> Please suggest what else I should be doing to optimize the drl files to
> work efficiently with Drools 4 engine.
> Thank you,
> Maxim.
> --
> Cheers,
> Maxim Veksler
> "Free as in Freedom" - Do u GNU ?
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Maxim Veksler
"Free as in Freedom" - Do u GNU ?
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