Scott Reed wrote:
Mark Proctor's message received 10/18/2007 12:07 PM:
> Manukyan, Sergey wrote:
>> Kris,
>> It looks like whatever name I choose for *RuleNameEqualsAgendaFilter
>> – *it doesn’t fire any rules. It may be the name of my rule I want
>> to fire or some bogus name, just the fact that I am using it – make
>> all rules not fire.
>> By the way the *RuleNameEqualsAgendaFilter(“rule name”) - *makes
>> sure that “*rule name*” – is NOT fired? Or makes sure it IS fired?
> Read the docs and if you still aren't sure try it. Beats sitting and
> waiting on here for an answer :)
I know the documentation is not clear. I think it would be helpful to
fix this so it's clear which way the filtering works, either by
documenting it clearly or by changing the method name?
Open a jira with the
attached preferred wording. You guys will be able
to described it in a way others can understand it, far better than me.
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