I'm trying to establish a history log for my Flow. I'm using version 5.0.1
and I set up my project with maven. So I'm using drools-bam-5.0.1.jar
Inside this archive there is a META-INF folder containing the
hibernate-instructions. How can I reconfigure these settings?
I tried to put the hibernate.cfg.xml and the
AuditLog.hbm.xml into the META-INF-folder in my root Project without
success (default Settings from jar-file are used).
While using the drools-bam archive (jar from the maven-repository), I got
the following error:
Not supported session in logger: class
I debugged it and found out that he jumps out in WorkingMemoryLogger in Line
else if (session instanceof CommandBasedStatefulKnowledgeSession) {
WorkingMemoryEventManager eventManager =
eventManager.addEventListener( (WorkingMemoryEventListener) this );
eventManager.addEventListener( (AgendaEventListener) this );
eventManager.addEventListener( (RuleFlowEventListener) this );
eventManager.addEventListener( (RuleBaseEventListener) this );
} else {
The Session is an instance of
When I add the source-File of the WorkingMemoryLogger into my project, then
this error does not occur.
Any Ideas?
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