HI, thank you very much.
In order, we perform a series of processes
1. A webservice receives an input xml document.
2. The webservice places the document in memory.
3. The webservice engages drools
4. drools loads the rules
5. drools loads reference data
6. drools executes the rules against the incoming document using the
reference data as a lookup
7. drools derives the output
8. the webservice returns the output to the calling source
Normally this works great.
but, we found out that if drools is not being used for more than several
it will do one of two things:
1. hang for 10-15 minutes during steps 4 and 5 and execute on it's own, in
spite that teh webservice has timed out.
2. lockout in a java exception.
Once this happens, the following webservice calls work normally.
What can I do to find out what's happening and how to repair it?
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