I have a question about how an inline eval function is or isn’t
efficient in the algorithm- I have many User objects that I am
inserting into Working Memory (in a stateful session), and each User
object has as ArrayList of Messages
The message class has 2 String fields: text and logid
I have custom boolean function user.containsText(String keyword)
function that takes in a string, and searches to see if that keyword
contained in the text field of one of the message entries in the User
message arraylist. If I use an inline eval statement to implement
$user: User( eval (containsText ( “sample text”) ) )
Will it re-evaluate each time? Or will Drools cache the result and
remember it/ create a node based on it so the node will have every
user this is true for, and it doesn’t re-evaluate when the users or
rules are modified? Will it create a "node" in the algorithm for all
the users that this function is true for?
On a similar note, if I use the “matches” comparator in a rule
creation, does it create a node and cache the result? Will it
automatically re-evaluate each time the field its matched against is
Thanks so much!