Using "in" is better that the multiple || == "18" ?
It has some relation with indexing?
With multiple "|| == " the RETE network will generate one alpha node for
each value right?
But for "in" I don't imagine how it works, I also realize that it's not
included in the official docs.
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Jared Davis <sunray(a)davisprogramming.com>wrote:
Here are two ways to write the regular expression.
m : Customer( age matches "(18|21|33|28|40|41)")
m : Customer( age matches "(18|2[18]|33|4[01])")
Did you try
m : Customer( age in
I don't know which solution is faster. I think that would
be an interesting test.
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- Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -