Hmm, you asked whether "do I take it that...", which I take to mean the same
as "should I assume that...". Hence: yes, you should!
Indirect figures of speech are always suprising if replied to at face value.
Q. "May I ask you how olod you are?"
A. "Yes, you may."
WME = Working Memory Elements.
2010/12/31 Chris Selwyn <chris(a)>
I assume that you mean that Yes they don't rather than Yes they do :-)
(Isn't english so imprecise?)
(WMEs? Working Memory Entries?)
On 31/12/2010 12:55, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
On 31 December 2010 11:33, Chris Selwyn <chris(a)> wrote:
> I am trying to understand the usage of "from".
> Do I take it that facts that come from a "from" CE do not actually get
> asserted into the WM?
Yes. (They might happen to be WMEs, if you have inserted them.)
> I would like to be sure because the facts that I would like to fetch
> with "from" are actually the same Java class as one of my WM facts but I
> do not want the "from" facts to be treated the same as the ones that are
> in WM... I do not want them to fire rules that the "normal" WM facts
> would.
> Chris
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