When you said "Wrong. The rules won't be executed (read as activations -
won't be run) but you can't stop the LHS being evaluated.", I don't
understand : if we use fireAllRules(), those rules will be executed
inevitably no?
I don't understand how we can decide that those rules (from a certain group)
won't be executed.
Thanks :-)
Anstis, Michael (M.) wrote:
See below.
"executing a rule" is really two parts: LHS pattern matching (which
can't be stopped for a given RuleBase) and execution of the RHS (which
can be controlled by the agenda and truth maintenance).
I hope my time away hasn't led to me giving wrong advice.
-----Original Message-----
From: rules-users-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
[mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Thierry B
Sent: 21 January 2009 12:53
To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
Subject: RE: [rules-users] Run a set of rules in a group B from a rule
in agroup A
So if I've well understand :
- before calling fireAllRules(), Drools know for all rules (from any
definied in DRL files, those which all patterns in the LHS of a rule are
matched, and those rules are placed on a agenda.
At which moment exactly, Drools verified from a rule that all of its
in the LHS are matched, if it's before callling fireAllRules() ?
>>> Yes, LHS is evaluated on workingMemory.insert(o). A call to
fireAllRules() executes the activations on the agenda (i.e. RHS queued
as a consequence of LHS being matched on workingMemory.insert(o)).
- And fireAllRules() permit to execute all rules that are placed on
>>> Yes
- When using setFocus() from a java class or a rule, we can control the
order of rules to specify to execute rules from group B, and group C...
>> I believe so.
- So it's not possible to tell Drools that we don't want to execute a
of rules if a rule A is not matched : in that group of rules : those
all paterns match LHS will be inevitably executed.
>>> Wrong. The rules won't be executed (read as activations - RHS -
won't be run) but you can't stop the LHS being evaluated.
All these points that I said, are exact?
Thanks :-)
Anstis, Michael (M.) wrote:
> Please accept that my knowledge is based on 4.x and there might be
> alternatives in 5.
> Rules are not "ran" but their patterns (LHS) evaluated as facts
> (objects) are inserted into Working Memory. When all patterns in the
> of a rule are matched activations are placed on the agenda for
> of the consequence (RHS) when fireAllRules() is called (or other
> mechanisms to run what is on the agenda are invoked; such as
> So you could have rules in Group A cause Group B to receive the focus
> but it is the RHS's execution order you control and not the pattern
> matching - which will happen for Group A and Group B when facts are
> inserted into WM.
> Look at Agenda Groups and RuleFlow. This should help.
> With kind regards,
> Mike
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