We're using 5.2.0 final here.
What we are also observing is that whenever a process instance reaches a
businessruletask node the rule gets fired a number of times equal to the
number of instantiated processes even if any of those processes didn't
reach the bussinessruletask node.
Does this means that whenever a businessruletask is reached in any of the
current process instance, the rule gets fired for *all* the instances of
the process and subsequent businessruletask nodes won't fire anything?
2012/2/13 Esteban Aliverti <esteban.aliverti(a)gmail.com>
I had some tests working fine in jbpm 5.1 but failing in 5.3 because
this same reason. I'm not sure if this is this is a regression bug or if
there is a deliberated change in the behavior.
Maybe someone in the jbpm dev team can shed some light here.
Best Regards,
Esteban Aliverti
- Developer @
- Blog @
2012/2/13 Alberto R. Galdo <argaldo(a)gmail.com>
> According to the documentation:
> "Rule constraints do not have direct access to variables defined inside
>> the process.
>> It is however possible to refer to the current process instance inside a
>> rule constraint,
>> by adding the process instance to the Working Memory and matching for
>> the process instance in your rule constraint.
>> We have added special logic to make sure that a variable processInstance
>> of type WorkflowProcessInstance
>> will only match to the current process instance and not to other process
>> instances in the Working Memory.
>> Note that you are however responsible yourself to insert the process
>> instance into the session and,
>> possibly, to update it, for example, using Java code or an on-entry or
>> on-exit or explicit action in your process.
>> The following example of a rule constraint will search for a person with
>> the same name as the value stored in the variable "name" of the
> This however does not seem to be true.
> The first rule is to receive a stream of objects of type MyObject.
> This rule starts an associated process.
> The second rule will be called by the process (from bpmn).
> Within the process there a task that invokes an an asynchronous service,
> ie,
> an implementation of WorkItemHandler that contains a Thread that will set
> call
> manager.completeWorkItem(workItemId,results);
> when 30s have passed).
> With this setup we can observe what happens when 2 MyObject instances
> come into the first rule separated by a short period of time (say 5
> seconds).
> When the first object comes in a process is created and started (with
> process id=1)
> The process passes from the start node to the callMyTask node, which
> invokes the slow WorkItemHandler references by MyTask
> (which we have previously registered into session.getWorkItemManager() ).
> Because the WorkItemHandler has a thread that waits 30s before completing
> the work item, it just sits there doing nothing (so far everything is ok)
> and allows the engine to process other events.
> 5 seconds later we insert another MyObject into the stream.
> The first rule gets fired and created another process (with process id=2).
> The process passes from the start node to the callMyTask node, which
> invoke our slow service.
> We have thus two processes running in parallel.
> When the first callMyTask node completes, the next node completeTask is
> invoked.
> The rule "process complete" is matched as it belongs to the rule flow
> group "Complete task group".
> At this point we observe that the rule is matched twice spitting out:
> processInstance.id 2
> processInstance.id 1
> .
> So the rule has matched both process instances that are in working memory
> and not just the one (with process id 1)
> that called the "process complete" rule.
> The rule file
> -------------
> rule "New case"
> when
> $myobject : MyObject(processed==false) from entry-point "myobject
> stream"
> then
> ProcessInstance
> parameters);
> insert(processInstance);
> kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime().startProcessInstance(processInstance.getId());
> modify ($myobject){
> setProcessed(true)
> }
> end
> rule "process complete"
> ruleflow-group "Complete task group"
> no-loop true
> when
> $processInstance: WorkflowProcessInstance()
> then
> System.out.println("processInstance.id " +
> $processInstance.getId());
> end
> The BPMN xml
> ------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <definitions id="Definition"
> xsi:schemaLocation="
http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL BPMN20.xsd"
> <process processType="Private" isExecutable="true"
> id="com.mycompany.process.MyProcess" name="my process" >
> <!-- process variables -->
> <!-- nodes -->
> <startEvent id="start" name="StartProcess" />
> <task id="callMyTask" name="call my task"
tns:taskName="MyTask" >
> <ioSpecification>
> </ioSpecification>
> </task>
> <businessRuleTask id="completeTask" name="Complete slow
> g:ruleFlowGroup="Complete task group" >
> </businessRuleTask>
> <endEvent id="end" name="EndProcess" />
> <!-- connections -->
> <sequenceFlow id="start-callMyTask" sourceRef="start"
> targetRef="callMyTask" />
> <sequenceFlow id="callMyTask-completeTask"
> targetRef="completeTask" />
> <sequenceFlow id="completeTask-end"
> targetRef="end" />
> </process>
> </definitions>
> What's wrong with this? Isn't WorkflowProcessInstance() supposed to be
> attached to the calling ProcessInstance? Is there another way of getting
> the group of rules fire only for the processinstance that called it?
> Greets,
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