core-3.2.3 is the JDT (eclipse) compiler... you can use JANINO instead,
if you prefer.
There are several optional jars, so check and package only what you
really need.
2007/9/27, Krishnan <krishiyer(a)>:
Hi Mark,
I tried to google for jxl-2.4.2.jar and I must say that the site it
pointed me towards was the following :-
The license for this seems to be GPL. Am I looking at the wrong library,
if so can you send me the
website for the right library ?. I could not also find any website for
core-3.2.3.v_686_R32x.jar ?.
Sorry for the weird request but the legal department at my work is
breathing down my throat for using
drools which was helpful in solving my technical problem.
On 9/26/07, Krishnan <krishiyer(a)> wrote:
> hi,
> I am trying to use drools 4.0 for our project and understand the
> licensing agreement for drools. Drools
> uses Apache license where as some of the dependant libraries use New BSD
> and other type of licenses.
> Since I am not a lawyer, does anybody have any idea of any implications
> on any problems related to
> the licenses ?.
> Drools use the following libraries
> antlr-runtime-3.0.jar
> core-3.2.3.v_686_R32x.jar
> janino-2.5.7.jar
> jsr94-1.1.jar
> jxl-2.4.2.jar
> mvel14-1.2rc1.jar
> xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar
> xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar
> xpp3-
> xstream-1.1.3.jar
> (a) Do you guys have the licensing agreement for each of these jars ?
> (b) Also, I tried searching for the websites using their name but some
> of them I am not able to find. IF you
> have the website information for these jars, that will help.
> (c) Has anybody run into any particular licensing issue problem with
> Drools ?.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Krishnan.
> --
> Sivaramakrishna Iyer Krishnan (Anand)
> Never assume the obvious is true.
> - William Safire
Sivaramakrishna Iyer Krishnan (Anand)
Never assume the obvious is true.
- William Safire
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Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
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