On 06/12/2011, Zhao Yi <zhaoyi0113(a)gmail.com> wrote:
There are some questions on your reply:
laune wrote
> All activations from group A have been fired. Therefore, agenda group A
> "loses the focus", and the agenda group that had the focus previously
> receives the focus (becomes active) again.
When you say the agenda group becomes active again, do you mean the agenda
group A become active?
No, the agenda group that had the focus previously, which must be any
other group, not A.
laune wrote
> Focus may be given (by an API method call) to another agenda group B while
> there still are some activations from group A pending. Eventually, A will
> receive the focus again, and rule firings from A continue as usual.
How does the agenda group A give its focus to B? Is the API setFocus? What's
kind of activations is pending when A left?
API call is one possibility.
When A is left (by a setFocus to B) then all activations that have not
been fired are still pending.
(What's so difficult to understand here? If you leave a box of
chocolates while some are still uneaten and start eating some
doughnuts from another box, then the chocolates are still there when
you've finished the doughnuts.)