I'm trying to get the Drools Fusion from the download page example to
run. But I'm getting the following error messages and I don't know why.
File: broker.drl
line 31
BuildError: Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to
compile: 1 compilation error(s): - (1,10) unqualified type in strict
mode for: Statistics
Statistics s = new Statistics();
s.symbol = $s;
insert( s );
line: 74
BuildError: Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to
compile: 1 compilation error(s): - (1,12) unable to resolve method using
strict-mode: java.lang.Object.percent(double)
services.log( "Drop >5%: "+$sb+" delta: $"+percent($dt)+"
$"+$pr );
File: Broker.java
line: 92
The method add(Resource, ResourceType) is undefined for the type
line: 102
The method setOption(EventProcessingOption) is undefined for the type
What's the problem?
Greetings :)